Outdrive Stands



  • earl1z19earl1z19 Member Posts: 344 ✭✭✭
    I am wondering what the reason is that you guys pull the drives for the off season? Maintenance? 
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maintenance, safe keeping ($5000 for a rebuilt, more if you don't have the core to trade). Easier to change out the oil and do a pressure test when off the boat as well as being able to inspect the bellows, gimbal bearing etc. Just sold our boat and although I didn't do it myself I'd have our mechanic pull it every fall. He charged $100 for a simple oil change and inspection on the boat, but for $160 he'd pull it, pressure test it, change fluids and even throw on the new anode's I'd buy every year. All prices CDN and included materials. He felt is was easier to just pull them and then work on them in a nice warm shop over the winter and take his time. I'm sure the guys on here that do it feel the same way.
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
    2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
  • YYZRCYYZRC Member Posts: 5,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Willhound do you think your mechanic would travel to Midland? I need to do the steering pins at some point. 
    2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    YYZRC said:
    @Willhound do you think your mechanic would travel to Midland? I need to do the steering pins at some point. 
    He's been asked many times, but quite frankly he's so busy locally he can't fit it all in. He's the main guy at the marina as well as being the go to guy for many local shops that can't figure stuff out. Keep in mind when I discuss pricing that I was getting a pretty good deal based on an existing relationship that we grandfathered in when he went full time with the marina. Any new customer work is charged at the marina rate which is much higher. It speaks to his value I think in that the marina wanted him bad enough that he was able to keep a certain number of existing customer's as a "side" account. You can tell who he liked and didn't like by whether you get to deal with him direct or have to go through the marina office. And I was always cash in full and didn't ask for much in the way of paperwork......which came back to bite me a bit when I was showing the boat and people asked about service records. The new owner asked and I told him to just chat with the mechanic. A five minute conversation was all it took and we had a deal. Mechanic got a nice card with a "tip" for helping seal the deal. Their initial plan was to move the boat but I now hear that they were so impressed they are now looking at keeping her at the same marina just to have access to the mechanic.
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
    2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,699 mod
    @shawnmjr You can get the gear lube at Walmart for $10/qt.  But, I agree that Willhound got a good price.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,699 mod
    ooops, I was thinking Mercury.  Yeah, everything volvo cost more. :wink:

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • Aqua_AuraAqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
    These lubricants are not made by Volvo as long they meet the specs required then you can replace them with other brands. 
    1997 Bayliner 3988
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I received the adjustable stand today, definitely well made and looks like it will be very handy to have.

    2008 330EC
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,811 mod
    @aero3113 where did you buy that stand?  
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Well worth the money. I had the drive off and in my garage in under 5 minutes. My port engine always showed a slightly higher temperature, I wonder if this shell was the cause?? U joints, bellows and bearing all look good on this side also.


    2008 330EC
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    See that's way you take your droves off. Now give the shell to that adorable little kid you have.
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2008 330EC
  • YYZRCYYZRC Member Posts: 5,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    aero3113 said:

    Random question but why are the MerCruiser logos different on the transom assembly vs outdrive? 
    2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know they were replaced at some point. If you look at the starboard side it has the new decal. The port transom assembly is a newer version so someone might have put an older decal on it, I don’t know.
    2008 330EC
  • YYZRCYYZRC Member Posts: 5,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    aero3113 said:

    Picked up my Stumpy's jack stands yesterday.  Very well packaged.  Went with two as I figure I can sell them later.
    2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
  • Cableguy GregCableguy Greg Member Posts: 5,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    YYZRC said:
    aero3113 said:

    Picked up my Stumpy's jack stands yesterday.  Very well packaged.  Went with two as I figure I can sell them later.
    I purchased one in the spring from him. Didn’t get to use it because I changed my shift boot without removing the drive. 
    2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
    Go Steelers!!!
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You will be happy with them @YYZRC , makes the job so much easier.
    2008 330EC
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