03 Rinker 270 FV TV Upgrade

So was going to remove the whole compartment where old tv was and make a flat panel as others have to match the look of the 280 FV and mount a flat screen. I decided rather then going through all that cost and having something that wasnt original why not mount the tv in the current location this way when I get a bigger boat.......hahaha......I can just remove it with no permanent damage. Well I think I like it . Came out pretty good. I put a pedestal mount so tv swivels in all directions and you can still access the area behind the TV to mount a DVD player etc and be totally hidden.

2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
jmichels, your's also add to Rinker custom projects
Belleville MXZ . nice . Ya I was considering that too but with 2 young boys wasnt sure so how long it would last in tact lol. Whats nice with the swivel mount I put I I still use the old location for storage behind it anyways. what size is that?
I borrowed diggin2day1's idea and mounted my new TV in front of the old TV cabinet on my 2003 270. The TV looks bigger than it is in the pictures. I tucked up the wires for the second pic. I can swing it around to watch from the aft cabin too.
Go Pens!
06 Rinker 270
Go to the bar
Go Steelers!!!