

  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    GMSLITHO said:
    Thanks Im working 
    2008 330EC
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    RE: @bry1429s boat...... those of you who are thinking about it and have read the ridiculously long list of extras - you will still not get a sense of what went into it as extras. I hired a certified marine electrical installer to run 110 volt and 12 volt sockets that were GFI anf 12v breakered protected - all over the place "by the book" totally certified!!!!! There are low impact (safe for children) light composite fans for the Captain's cockpit area, refreshnemt counter 12v and 110v directional fans, a 12v fan for the head, 12 volt directional, multi speed multi directional fans for both staterooms. Super modified front King/Queen sized bed. Up-sized AC, matching towels, cushions, front sunpad........maaaan someone is is going to save another 10K on just the small up-grades. Then there are the custom tank savers, Axius at the helm, water hook-up on (fresh or lake) the inside of the transom locker with a 75 foot soft coil hose and two super custom strainer systems with quick change winterizing options: antifreeze and engine/generator oils This boat is so far past how to customize a boat for a BOATER - it IMO re-writes the rule book for brilliant customizing. Plus spectacular underwater lighting (FLAMETHROWERS), Radar and Satellite TV wired to main salon 32" TV and Cockpit 22"  Marine TV with DVD. 

    Seriously looking for a unique, pampered, equipped for a princess and her entourage while ready to smoke any 38 foot production cruiser out there.....then look no further! :-)

    Striking color-matched looks, flawless head-turning color and pristine gel coat - every option, then some annnd intimidates everyone at the dock because, witnin hours, everyone knows what it is capable of!!!

    Buy it and rejoice!.....MT

    P.M. me if you have a question or 100 - or - a few hundred pictures could be sent by data stick to a very interested purchaser.

    If you are close to this purchase and find a way to make it happen you will be thankful for a long, long time!

    Everything that I could think of in over 50 years of boating. It was my crowning glory, my once in a lifetime.

    You owe yourself the experience of standing up there under that hardtop at the helm with your hands on the DTSs and the open water ahead as you spool-up those 502s and watch everyone's eyes pop! You'll NEVER forget that.

    This is the fastest, coolest and best equipped Rinker hull in existence.

    In my humble (LOL) opinion! :-)
    Post edited by Michael T on
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