We encountered the crew of the powerboat television show at the BENJAMIN ISLANDS .they were filming for the 2014 season .3 episodes of the north channel so if you see a fire its us
I will watch it as soon as I can. Never heard of it either. BTW is just me or does Shop Shape TV really stink now. It just seems like a parts store ad.
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
I just discovered the show and have been watching episodes online. Pretty good show. I couldnt find any info on the website if its carried on any networks?
Great show...been watching it for years.... The best place to watch them is on line because the air time is usually on Saturday and Sunday mornings. The only negative about online is the latest ones aren't included for awhile... they will eventually show up. My favourites are the places they cruise, cruiser testing and the how to.
They also have a magazine called Boats and Places.... they do three a season and usually include boat buyers guide with almost every type of boat and their pricing... a good guide. Here's their link: http://www.boatsandplaces.com/
FOLLOW UP -let me clarify the fire comment ..it was a camp fire on the rocks . a new season starts in JANUARY 2014 .with scenes from KILLARNEY -LITTLE CURRENT ,BENJAMINS TO SAULT STE MARIE.Powerboat Televison have a booth at the toronto boat show jan 10 -19 2014 and sell there season footage on a disk .hope this is informative to those who plan to cruise up the north shore of GEORGIAN BAY
Yes, its a Canadian company. They have filmed in lots of locations over the years. Most of the shows are pretty good, like any show they've had the odd dog but usually interesting. Available on the internet. They used to have archived shows but not sure if they still do.. MT
True BD and we used to cross to your side for Bud! As for the PowerBoat TV show anyone can get about 4 years worth of shows as they are available on the internet! MT
Tune in to Global Television on Saturday, January 4th
at 11 a.m. to check out the new season of PowerBoat Television. Catch all the
excitement and see what's new in boats and boating for 2014. For episode
lineups, show information, or to watch a missed episode in HD (or see your
favourite show again), visit PowerBoat Television online anytime at powerboattv.com.
J-13 - the CBC? God have mercy on you! Like Mark said I used to watch the show on Global but a lot of my friends just watch it via the internet. I think there are about 4 years of back shows on the net. There were some real good "how to fix it" segments and demonstrations from manufacturers of boating products too. MT
Well beggers cant be choosers Mark. CBC is good for some off the wall old British TV shows and seeing what stupendously awful suit jacket Don Cherry is wearing.
But yeah I've watched all the episodes online, and that what I'll have to do for future episodes too.
Just viewed the first episode of 2014 season .on global tv ontario ..Each episode(13 in all) will be available on line a week after telecast .March 8 episode will feature RINKER 232.Check out the powerboat television website for a description of all season 2014
We encountered the crew of the powerboat television show at the
BENJAMIN ISLANDS .they were filming for the 2014 season .3 episodes of
the north channel so if you see a fire its us 9Imeant a group of us around a shore campfire) .BENJAMIN ISLAND episode will air march 8
Steve, I don't like VW diesels. I'd rather have Yanmars, Cummings, Perkins or Cats. I think Yanmar is in the lead when it comes to diesel applications with sterndrives, although I hear Merc is right in there too. I don't know what platform Merc bases its diesels on. MT
I watch the show every week. I'll keep my eye out!
2019 MTX20 Extreme
You can watch all episodes online here. Up in Canada, it's on the Global network.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
Yes, its a Canadian company. They have filmed in lots of locations over the years. Most of the shows are pretty good, like any show they've had the odd dog but usually interesting. Available on the internet. They used to have archived shows but not sure if they still do.. MT
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Tune in to Global Television on Saturday, January 4th at 11 a.m. to check out the new season of PowerBoat Television. Catch all the excitement and see what's new in boats and boating for 2014. For episode lineups, show information, or to watch a missed episode in HD (or see your favourite show again), visit PowerBoat Television online anytime at powerboattv.com.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
BTW does the show come on CBC at all? Thats the only Canuckian channel I get.
No, but after the show airs on Global, the show is posted on their website for viewing.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
I have seen several segments shot in the US.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
But yeah I've watched all the episodes online, and that what I'll have to do for future episodes too.
..Each episode(13 in all) will be available on line a week after telecast .March 8 episode will feature RINKER 232.Check out the powerboat television website for a description of all season 2014
2019 MTX20 Extreme
Steve, I don't like VW diesels. I'd rather have Yanmars, Cummings, Perkins or Cats. I think Yanmar is in the lead when it comes to diesel applications with sterndrives, although I hear Merc is right in there too. I don't know what platform Merc bases its diesels on. MT