Aero that looks awesome. But I don't see a lot of difference in the before and after pictures of the dash. Maybe the picture of the before doesn't reflect the real condition. I'm working on getting my dash cleaned up and would love for mine to look like that. Buy gauges I cleaned up with polish and they now look awesome but the dash around the gauges is faded out. Did you bring yours back to life or did it pretty much look that way when you started. I'm afraid to use anything harsh on those panels for fear of rubbing through a wrap like material.
Are they cracked? On plastic panels in vehicles ive had good luck standing down, repairing sun damaged rough spots/cracks with metal glaze. Then id paint to match. The big thing now is vinyl wrap. Wood grain, carbon fiber or Armani emblems if you want to impress the yachties. Yeti vinyl wrap for maximum resale value. There are local sign shops that will print anyting you can think of so long as you can get the design in digital form. My first auto restoration was a 79 trans am. I got it in 97, finished the restoration in 2001, i was on a highshool budget. I wish i had the resources and technology the internet gives us today back then!
Metal glaze only works for visual cracks. Another member mentioned structural repairs with jb weld. So long as you sand/prep it well that will work fine and should be plenty strong. To me jb weld isnt a good filler/patcher on plastic parts, its too hard. Metal glaze sticks to most any prepped surface and sands extremely easily. Just don't do like me and install them with am impact driver after a few too many cold ones. You'll get to do it again!
I'd love to have ine of those laying around. Between now and April there are tons of good deals to be had on big boats, owners wanting to dump that slip renewal!
Having the proper tools and equipment for the job is never overrated.
@PickleRick , yes hydraulic trailer. My wife’s family recently sold their summer house that her grandfather basically built himself (heart breaking). We have many memories staying there, we even had our wedding reception on the property. Her grandfather was in the navy (fighter pilot, flew **** Cats). He named the house “Folded Wings”. My father-in-law says he named the house that because of the aircraft on his fathers ship would have their wings folded to store them tight and keep them safe. So, “Folded Wings” is going to be her new name.
And you can be confident it will never appear on the BoatUS annual list of most over-used boat names! (How many boats named Aquaholic does the world really need ...)
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Metal glaze only works for visual cracks. Another member mentioned structural repairs with jb weld. So long as you sand/prep it well that will work fine and should be plenty strong. To me jb weld isnt a good filler/patcher on plastic parts, its too hard. Metal glaze sticks to most any prepped surface and sands extremely easily. Just don't do like me and install them with am impact driver after a few too many cold ones. You'll get to do it again!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I'd love to have ine of those laying around. Between now and April there are tons of good deals to be had on big boats, owners wanting to dump that slip renewal!
Having the proper tools and equipment for the job is never overrated.
So what's the new name going to be?
My wife’s family recently sold their summer house that her grandfather basically built himself (heart breaking). We have many memories staying there, we even had our wedding reception on the property. Her grandfather was in the navy (fighter pilot, flew **** Cats). He named the house “Folded Wings”. My father-in-law says he named the house that because of the aircraft on his fathers ship would have their wings folded to store them tight and keep them safe.
So, “Folded Wings” is going to be her new name.