Sigh. Oil Leak, BIG ONE.



  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    $150 an hour for a mobile RV tech here and he lives here!!
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    I used to work across the street from an RV repair shop. His motto was hit him now because we will never see them again.

    A local body and bus repair shop worked on the grateful deads tour bus after an accident during a tour.  They also charged top dollar for emergency repair and every evening they were here was a party blur for the guys that worked on it.
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Mechanic reports repair was straight forward without issue, 3 hours from start to finish. Going to do a 3rd drive oil swap just to be overly safe and she'll be back in the water Saturday and if I was smart for sale on Sunday.. but as you can tell.. I'm not that smart. 
  • YYZRCYYZRC Member Posts: 5,170 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    J3ff said:
    she'll be back in the water Saturday and if I was smart for sale on Sunday.. but as you can tell.. I'm not that smart. 
    What would you have to kvetch about if you sold it?! 🤔😂

    Glad it’s fixed up. 
    2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    YYZRC said:
    J3ff said:
    she'll be back in the water Saturday and if I was smart for sale on Sunday.. but as you can tell.. I'm not that smart. 
    What would you have to kvetch about if you sold it?! 🤔😂

    Glad it’s fixed up. 
    ha ha true. Plan going forward is to make sure it's solid as far as this repair goes.. try it out living on it saturday/sat night/sunday  for a few weekends, clean it up, and enjoy it for a couple months. Firesale in the spring - hoping if I throw it up for 15k someone will take it, even with the noise in neutral.. The dock to the island where i want to hang out is 5 mins or less. It'll be light duty for this boat all winter. Jetski also was repaired today, that'll be the machine that goes to the sand bar and far off destinations.. 
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    15k for a 270 with upgraded engine to 383 and seacore b3 is give away pricing  imo.  What did you other guys get for your 270s?   Seacore b3 plus 383 make it a desirable set up...very desirable 
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    15k for a 270 with upgraded engine to 383 and seacore b3 is give away pricing  imo.  What did you other guys get for your 270s?   Seacore b3 plus 383 make it a desirable set up...very desirable 
    I'm an honest seller. The knocking noise in neutral (remember only after it's warmed up) could be a little problem or a big enough problem that the motor needs to come back out.  Three mechanics cannot agree on what it is. 15k will be the price where you come pick it up and deal with it on your own terms :) - have been down this route before with other toys. 
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mechanic called and went over the job. Long story short, he says the hose is too short by a few MM.. this makes me think mercury owes me some $$. This was a brand new factory transom assembly. The hose is fine structurally. Remember this transom assembly was brand new 4 years ago, to the tune of 3000 dollars just for the part! Will post the invoice from mechanic when I get it. 
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why did it take 4 years to pull off if it was too short?
    2008 330EC
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,107 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any chance one of the previous mechanics cut it to do some work then reinstalled the short hose??
    2008 330EC
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    aero3113 said:
    Why did it take 4 years to pull off if it was too short?
    I did ask him that, he said that it probably just had gotten brittle over the years and 2 weekends ago was the time it decided it was time to let go. The hose wasn't pulled off though, the plastic housing cracked and it fell apart. He did mention that me having it out of the water for 6 months at a time did not help the situation. 
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    shawnmjr said:
    Did you ever hear back from that letter you wrote to mercruiser? 
    I got back a BS response about it not being covered under warranty. The reason it was not covered was "because you did not provide a part number in your complaint"  I responded that I'd like to make a formal complaint and I was given a persons name and phone number. In the response I quoted the part number from the very first email I had sent. Clearly the person responding hadn't actually read the email from top to bottom as she would have seen that I clearly identified which part had failed and I supplied the original invoice from when the transom assembly was installed, with serial numbers. 

    I haven't called the number just yet based on that unbelievable response showing that whoever I was speaking to had no ability to understand what the complaint is. I have been waiting for the mechanic to get to it and tell me his thoughts. At this point I'm planning on giving them a call mid week when I have the invoice in writing and at the very least I expect them to take the complaint seriously. The mechanic is billing for 3 hours, which is a big sigh of relief. It would just be nice if SOMEONE would acknowledge that a mistake was made somewhere and it wasn't the guy who paid more than 20k for a new motor and transom assembly to be installed 4 years ago and then another 11k for an out drive 1 month ago.  
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    shawnmjr said:
    J3ff said:
    shawnmjr said:
    Did you ever hear back from that letter you wrote to mercruiser? 
    I got back a BS response, I responded that I'd like to make a formal complaint and I was given a persons name and phone number. I haven't called just yet, was waiting for the mechanic to get to it and tell me his thoughts. 
    Well wish you luck on that, as you mentioned nothing will probably happen but it’s worth a shot. 
    at the very least they need to make a report and put it in their records. Sure that's nothing to them, but if enough people complain maybe something will change. Happens with cars all the time. 
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Sitting on the hard 6 months a year is nothing, id venture to say an easy 60 to 70% of all north American I/O boat owners have their boats sitting out of water 6 months or more every year.  The reason can be blamed on the crappy seasons of the year.

  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well she's back in the water at the dock. I did one more swap of the oil and there was no water at all in it.. that's the end of this saga. To be continued whenever the next thing pops up! 
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Post pics of winter adventures on the water or we should all vote for you to be banned.  June is a long winter away for most of us.  We need those keys pics now more than ever.  Im living vicariously through you😊

    Imho you have the best boating grounds of anyone else on the board.  The best fishing in the world is at your back door!  
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    J3ff said:
    Well she's back in the water at the dock. I did one more swap of the oil and there was no water at all in it.. that's the end of this saga. To be continued whenever the next thing pops up! 
    That would be next week
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    J3ff said:
    Well she's back in the water at the dock. I did one more swap of the oil and there was no water at all in it.. that's the end of this saga. To be continued whenever the next thing pops up! 
    That would be next week

  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Haha... It's not moving for at least a week
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭ have an issue with not spear fishing every evening if I were you 
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ have an issue with not spear fishing every evening if I were you 
    Jet ski will be ready by Friday... 
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Show off
    ha ha, just saying that the jetski is the main mode of transportation, this boat will be a dock queen till Spring.
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭ can go swimming in the water today.

    Out high temp today is almost 80 but the water has already dropped into the 70s making it useless for swimming
  • TonyG13TonyG13 Member Posts: 1,337 ✭✭✭✭ can go swimming in the water today.

    Out high temp today is almost 80 but the water has already dropped into the 70s making it useless for swimming
    Ha. Ha. Ha. We're lucky if Lake Michigan hits 70 during the summer. When my son was in last week helping put the boat away he jumped in for a quick swim. Water temp was 61F. About normal for us around here.
  • TonyG13TonyG13 Member Posts: 1,337 ✭✭✭✭
    That also reminds me of when we go visit the in-laws down in Pensacola each February. If it's in the 50's we're wearing shorts and t-shirts on the beach while the locals won't go near the beach and are all in parkas.  :)
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ask any Canadian in Florida. If its in the 70's and water is at least 68 we're swimming. 
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
    2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TonyG13 said:
    That also reminds me of when we go visit the in-laws down in Pensacola each February. If it's in the 50's we're wearing shorts and t-shirts on the beach while the locals won't go near the beach and are all in parkas.  :)
    I heard you are about to be blasted with a major cold front. Enjoy!
  • Aqua_AuraAqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So the lake I was swimming in this summer is about 45 degrees year round and the river I don't think gets over 55. I would say anything above 70-75 air temperature and I'm swimming. 
    1997 Bayliner 3988
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You Yankees have what my grandfather (a Yankee) would say was thick blood.   80 plus degree water temps or I'm staying on board.
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