Auto bilge circuit

If you read some of the later what did you do to your boat today...I stepped on the rear bilge a new one snipped and install the new...hit the bilge switch at the helm and it worked...tried the float to test it and nope! So, figuring I just screwed it up, bought another and just twisted the wires to test and nothing..those two wires should be hot all the time right,? Just an on off switch? When I installed the pump I did not pay any mind of which two wires went to the pump..I'm guessing it does matter? I checked the mid ship and it's fine. I checked the fuse panel at the helm. It has one for front and back
At the wires I have no power..
Any idea.:
At the wires I have no power..
Any idea.:
Could be float switch fuse, wiring from battery + to the float switch, or the switch itself.
First picture is the float switch and the bottom is the pump wires....I don't see any other place a fuse could be other than the breaker at the helm...
There is a brown and a black coming out of the pump.
The two gray jacketed wires you took a pic of on top of the heat exchanger- Are there two wires in each of those? And these both go to the helm?
On the float switch- there are two black wires coming out of the float switch?
How to wire a bilge pump | ON-OFF bilge switch | New Wire Marine
Not sure how universal Rinker did their wiring but could be similar
Bilge pump runs all the time - 2006 Captiva 246 — Rinker Boat Company (
Starting at each battery, you have +12v up until the charging breaker and then nothing? And yet your forward bilge pump still works via float?
Make sure your battery switches are on. Use your voltmeter and test for +12v at the battery switch (input and output). If you have power, test for +12v at the charging breaker (input side). If you have power there, test the diodes (input and output). If you have power there, move to the bilge pump breaker (input and output). If you have power there, and you don't have power at the bilge pump, there's a break in the wire somewhere or one of the connectors has come loose/failed.
Battery switch- the boat operates other than this so power is going through the battery switch into the system...not sure what I'm checking on the battery switch..
Should I have continuity at the breaker post to test if it is working? I tested the back side of it for 12v and there was not but I don't know enough to understand.
I have a couple projects