Ceramic Coating

I was watching a video on ceramic coating a car and wondering what everyone's opinions were. The process is pretty laborious and the materials themself are not cheap. For those that have done it to their cars or boats what is your opinion? Is it worth it? Does it last as long as advertised? Most car detailers are no longer recommending anything other than spray on wax (which is fine by me). So this is really the next level. You just have to get the surface as close to perfect as possible and that means a lot of work for a boat.
It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
Go Steelers!!!
But I do use Meguiars Ceramic Detailer. Same a @ YYZRC
More thsn happy with results
I got our gel coat to near perfect. Quite a science to it. Once it is under control from oxidizing. Maitnenance is pretty easy.