Looks good Handy! Getting ready to start working on mine as well....sure does not last long but it does still look pretty good. I got banged up pretty good when we sent to Dunieden last summer in a storm- you could not have had enough bumpers on board to protect from that.
Just watched the poly glow video. Maybe next time but I doubt it would remove the blotchy look that cant even be removed from wet sanding and buffing. Sure is easier than buffing!
Great paint job but I don't like the white boot stripe. IMO they all sit funny both when at rest and when on plane. That's why when I ordered our 360, knowing that I was going to put bottom paint on it, I had the entire hull gel coated black. Most manufacturers get this wrong and the hulls look STUPID. IMO Cruisers is a huge offender on this area. I have seen new Cruisers leave the factory with a blue upper hull and a white lower hull then a black bottom coat. I always tell friends to lose the boot stripe if possible.