prop antifouling paint
Do any of you guys put prop antifouling paint on your props? I dont see it on anyones pics they post of their drives. I know you cant use the same paint that goes on hull bottom.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
06 Rinker 270
@06-270 If you mean he actually "painted" them with paint and not anti-fouling prep I would assume your props are aluminum. If your props were aluminum using the Mercury Phantom Black (for drives) on them might work, although I think it will come off pretty fast BUT if your props were SS I would say he was nuts - so I assume they are aluminum. It will be interesting to see how long the paint stays on.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
@06Rinker270, I have never seen B3 props painted. I am wondering what the reasoning is behind it? Less corrosion? I would ask the tech that did it.
Go Steelers!!!
06 Rinker 270
the paint job is really rough and poor quality, and would not be acceptable to me. As to clean the S/S props I do remove them every year since Mercruiser recommend to clean and grease the output shaft, then I clean them with muriatic acid they look new and stay that way for a long time (fresh water) so no danger for the seals.
@Alswagg what do you think? You all have me worried and PO big time. My tech did not do the painting, he had someone else do it.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
06Rinker270. I did not mean to imply that the tech did not sand your drive, as I can't tell whether or not that happened.
I was telling you how my friends and I have painted drives, outboards etc. for 50 years. OMCs, Johnsons, Mercs you name it. Sand all loose and/or compromised material off, sometimes with 5 or 6 increasing grit numbers (500, 600. 800. 1000), if necessary compound it, IF necessary use marine fiberglass-based fillers to effect repairs, tack rag it before painting, spray on several light coats of OEM primer let them dry well based on ambient humidity, then several light coats of OEM paint. In the past I owned a painting and construction company so have a bit of an idea how to paint. I have probably painted 30 drives in my time. If anything I painted looked like your picture I would have requested entry into the witness protection program!
I do not mean to offend or be rude, but we are honest with each other on this forum right? We have each others' backs, right?
Okay, then my considered opinion is that this is the worst painting job of a drive that I have ever seen. IMO Painting SS props is idiotic, getting paint on SS trim hoses and anodes is idiotic, painting SS trim tabs is idiotic - as is leaving big noticeable brush strokes on a drive. As for painting right over bolt threads and nuts as well as the joints where the drive sections come together. For goodness sakes, the plastic caps and thread ends of the trim rams are painted over - who does that? IMO I don't have words for that level of stupidity. What the heck kind of paint is that, anyway? IMO the paint should be a sprayed-on OEM lacquer-based. Geez it looks like tar - if I didn't know better I'd think it was an April Fool's joke.
Is your drive damaged, not likely - as long as you remove any paint that might be on anodes, ss hoses and Mercathode parts. The paint on the props will probably be gone in a few hours at 3400 rpm.
If you do some clean-up, the worst that will likely happen is that it will look like crap as the "paint" peels off at different rates. But, it looks like crap anyway.
If this were mine I would demand that the paint be stripped-off and then the situation addressed as I have described above. But that's me and I'm ocd as it pertains to my equipment.
Really, so you'd take a new Mercruiser drive and do that to it - or any drive for that matter - paint over nuts, thread ends, plastic caps, SS hoses, rubber hoses, SS trim tabs and the SS props? Like that? Interesting! My parents lived in Ft. Lauderdale for 18 years and I never saw anything like that. Must be a new technique? I think you've been sniffing your own diesel fumes, Steve.
So enough of what is right or wrong, I want it corrected and looking right. It sounds like the drive is not damaged, correct? I am peace knowing that it's protected, just needs me to do some pretty work.
If this was your drive what would you do? How do I strip the paint? What do I do about the painted nuts, hoses, etc?
06 Rinker 270