Venting on the look of new boats

OK this has been mentioned on the forum before but here goes. first of all I do not mean to insult anyone so please dont take it that way. Went to the Boston boat show and no Rinkers as well as a few other "major" brands. Here is my rant......... The look of the new boats are horrible. Look like space ships that George Jetson should be driving. The hard top look IMO is horrendous. Totally enclosed, feels like I was sitting in a car with a sun roof. The 46' SeaRay was garbage to say the least. Looked like a giant bubble and for $949000 you would think that the electric outlets would at least be straight. Everyone was crooked. I always thought that most people on a boat want to be "outside" and in the sun. This European design IMO really stinks. The more I see the newer boats the more I love mine. I will continue to keep mine in great shape and keep her forever..............I am sure I am going to get my lunch handed to me on this one.......... Just say'n.........
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
Raybo, I do understand where you are coming from. Especially with being all closed up. We do differ on the opinion of the hardtops, but having glass enclosure all the way around may be taking it too far. There are times I say I'd like that (when I have to put up my isinglass, or deal with it, but in the summer months, I wouldn't want glass all the way around. There aren't really times that I didn't want the hardtop. In the hot sun, it is very nice. Canvas makes it just as hot (believe me, I've gone from my boat to a canvas) as not having it up at all in the sun. At night we just lay on a pad on the front to look at stars.
At some point it will all change again.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
The hardtop Handy! But, if it were an option, like the older boats, then everyone can be happy. Again, I'm not a big fan of the enclosed cockpit either, just the hardtop. I like to have the fresh air. Heck, I don't use my air conditioning much either. (only one time on hook have I ever ran the air overnight, because my father was on board).
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
At least your not enclosed at the helm.
Look at this boat. Totally enclosed and ugly (yeah fugly) like driving in a car. Big difference between these 2 boats
I'd buy it with a bridge on top!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express