I just followed the Traeger recipe. Next time I would finish it in the oven rather than on the smoker. It was a bit too smoky for my liking but otherwise it was awesome.
Actually, they can and do. Ask anyone that has had a pellet grill for any length of time. The top cause is a power outage while using the grill and not following the proper re-start procedure which involves emptying the burn chamber of all un-burnt and semi-burnt pellets before re-starting. Otherwise the grill thinks it's starting fresh and overfills the burn chamber with new pellets causing a fire. If it gets bad enough it can back into the pellet hopper and cause damage. The other two causes are lack of regular cleaning/maintenance. Allowing grease to build up or the dust/ash from the pellets building up in the bottom of the grill and a spark from the burn chamber will ignite it. Couple of good vids here from Grilla Grills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYLEckTOgAk
That explosion was exciting!! Pizza Hut to the rescue.
Only thing I don't like is the idiot is trying to look like a hero by bringing this "huge danger to the public" when it is clear just looking at the grill that it needed cleaning, and even though he "did what he always does" in re-starting, he would know if he read the instructions that what he did was exactly what they tell you not to do. Traeger had it right, totally user error.
While I agree that this is a case of user error, I didn't know my smoker could blow it's top like that. I will definitely be more diligent about cleaning it from now on.
When you pick up your new car there is a sticker on the dash warning about the airbags (plus another one on the visor). There was no sticker on my Traeger warning me that it could become a bomb and how to prevent it. Guess I should RTFM.
Maybe. But unless you're going to empty the hopper every single time you use it, there's a chance the pellets will hang up and create a void causing a flame out. And brand doesn't matter. The first video was actually from Grilla explaining what to do if it happens. They just didn't show the fire that can result. They all work on the same principle, an auger pulls pellets from a hopper into a burn chamber with a fan to provide combustion air, all controlled by a thermostat and temp probe. Agree the grill in the last video was too close to the house.
I've been waiting for him to chime in! Was emailing with him today. Was apparently doing Sous Vide steak and finishing on the gas grill at the place he rented in FLA. @randy56 we need an arbitrator! 😆
LOL luckily I've never had it happen. And burnt a skid of pellets. But it does not mater the brand of pellet grill, or pellets. It can happen to any. Just as the guy from Gorilla explained. The guy that showed a picture of his hopper on fire, he already dumped water on those pellets. And he learned his lesson about keeping it to close to the house. He Should have known better. I do not dump my pellets out after use. But my grill is always under covered area or in garage. Chance's of it happening are very slim, If you clean after every 3-4 cooks or so. These newer controllers are smart. Just like cell phones they have advanced in technology. Edit: I forgot, steak nite was a success, and we enjoyed a bottle of red wine.
this was a two rib and only took about an hour and a half.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Couple of good vids here from Grilla Grills:
and here (a hopper fire)
and the best for last!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
When you pick up your new car there is a sticker on the dash warning about the airbags (plus another one on the visor). There was no sticker on my Traeger warning me that it could become a bomb and how to prevent it. Guess I should RTFM.
Agree the grill in the last video was too close to the house.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Chance's of it happening are very slim, If you clean after every 3-4 cooks or so. These newer controllers are smart. Just like cell phones they have advanced in technology.
I forgot, steak nite was a success, and we enjoyed a bottle of red wine.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Well the Boston butt turned out amazing with guidance from @randy56 the grill god!!!