generator runs and quits

I've read some post on here about generators starting then quitting once you release the start button. What do you check first ? One post said it was stator . It's a Kohler with 325 hours .I just purchased the boat . Any way to check other possibilities ? Could it be the safety switches ?
Other checks: anti-diesel valve on the carb (unless FI of course). Electric choke too: clean with carb cleaner, same for the anti-diesel valve too.
Also, check the obvious: fuel valve on?
That inline fuel filter can be an issue too, most don't even know it is there being hidden. PITA to get to on mine, thus gone now and the in-line one.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Running regular oil: WIX 51394
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Put boat in water June 4th . Cranked generator, ran for 2 minutes or so with NO load and died. Back to same issue again . Bought another capacitor and tried it , but will not continue to run when start button is released . NOW WHAT ?
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Have you tried starting from the generator?
It is getting gas ?
What unit do you have