200 miles under the keel in one day ... or, how a house fire ruined our cruise

The Admiral and I had three wonderful days hanging out with @Dream_Innand other Rinker friends at Solomon's Island, and made a fantastic 60-mile run to Deltaville on the Rappahannock River. Then, as we pulled into the Deltaville around noon, we got the phone call you never want to get: our house was on fire!
So we dashed home by boat ... 140 miles up the Potomac at 34-36 mph. We had calm water and perfect weather the entire way, but we were far too distracted to enjoy it. Put 200 miles under the keel in a day.
The heroes from Fairfax County Fire & Rescue got to our house in just 6 minutes (!!), and they were able to save most of the house. Still, there was heavy damage. Half of the house has to be gutted because of fire, water or both. Every item that survived the fire has to be removed for smoke cleaning ... clothing, furniture, every pot and pan, every fork and spoon, a garage very full of tools, a drum studio and much more. We're in temporary housing until Christmas or longer.
The picture below shows where the fire breached into the main dwelling. Five more minutes and we'd have lost the entire house.
I'm focusing on the positives: no firefighters got hurt, they saved the house, and insurance will make it right for us.
The cruise ended badly, but it sure did start out nice!
So we dashed home by boat ... 140 miles up the Potomac at 34-36 mph. We had calm water and perfect weather the entire way, but we were far too distracted to enjoy it. Put 200 miles under the keel in a day.
The heroes from Fairfax County Fire & Rescue got to our house in just 6 minutes (!!), and they were able to save most of the house. Still, there was heavy damage. Half of the house has to be gutted because of fire, water or both. Every item that survived the fire has to be removed for smoke cleaning ... clothing, furniture, every pot and pan, every fork and spoon, a garage very full of tools, a drum studio and much more. We're in temporary housing until Christmas or longer.
The picture below shows where the fire breached into the main dwelling. Five more minutes and we'd have lost the entire house.
I'm focusing on the positives: no firefighters got hurt, they saved the house, and insurance will make it right for us.
The cruise ended badly, but it sure did start out nice!

The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
PC BYC, Holland, MI
My car got dinged up a bit when they broke down the garage door, but it's fixable.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
A great friend of mine lost his house to a fire on New Years Eve a year and a half ago. It took almost a full year for them to get rebuilt.
im with lake_bum = good thing you were not ay home
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express