New hovercraft technology. It's been in the works for years. Glad to see it finally come out. It cuts fuel consumption by 98%, because you don't need to deal with the friction and viscosity of water! LOL.
I live 4 blocks from the lake. The day that truck went through I wouldn't have even walked out there. I hope they get whacked with the biggest possible fine and environmental fees for being so stupid. Not to mention the insurance would be invalid. Going to be at least $80,000 I figure before it's done. There's the value of the truck, an initial fine for pollution and after 48 hours if it's still there it's up to $4000 a day I beleive. Salvage barge likely won't be able to get out there for about two to three weeks I would think.
C'mon. Car insurance doesn't cover, and never will cover, driving on a lake. Not even during hard-water season.
We don't have frozen lakes so I have never thought about it. I guess I just assumed everyone was driving their vehicles on the lake. What about Ice Road Truckers 😂
So, the marina I'm currently in is a Formula dealer. This is one of the beauties they have. Whether you like the outdrives or not, it's a lot of horsepower.
Went a different direction today. Found a place with white sand, which honestly is not usual for the keys. Water was crystal clear and beautiful, soft white sand... Billys Point off of Elliot key, on the bay side... def. recommend it if you are down here looking for a place to stop, have lunch and swim!
@J3ff Great photos. In the second photo I initially saw a boat, tow rope and water skiis . It's been a long winter haha. Interesting that we have a shoal at the entrance of Halifax Harbour called hens and chickens. Probably an old British nautical term.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Hope you guys on lake Simcoe are off the ice! LOL
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Going to check out "Sands Cut" next!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Could not have been a more perfect day today.... Went to chickens and hens reef! Couldn't pick a favorite of the day.