Leaving Astoria Oregon around the coast and to the Strait of Juan de Fuca on a friend's boat. He goes every year for the summer so I came along since I will have to bring the new boat around from the Puget Sound.
Leaving Astoria Oregon around the coast and to the Strait of Juan de Fuca on a friend's boat. He goes every year for the summer so I came along since I will have to bring the new boat around from the Puget Sound.
wow looks like a nice sunset how long of a trip is it
All these great boating pics. The highlight of my week is using my grandpa's John Deere tractor to scrape the drive way after some recent rains washed out all the gravel. Grandpa passed away a year and half ago so it's nice to come hang out on the family property and play on his equipment. Doing some chorin' for grandma.
Made it to Port Angeles. Twin 1500HP will get you there quick. I kinda like this not having a boat thing and using everyone else's 😂. Stayed with a friend on there 50 OA, used another friends dinghy to join the offshore dock party and now this trip.
Looks interesting! Since I know nothing about clam digs - what's with dividing up your haul into those little piles? And the one big pile on the jacket? I also read never to pack them in ice because the fresh water kills them?
We were just counting them up to split them between us. Nothing special about the big pile. If you want to eat them raw, you put them on ice to relax them, makes them easier to shuck them open.
Rough fathers day for this guy. I went over and checked on them (was on the jetski).. they were content and seemed okay. They said they'd be floating again at 1030pm, about 50 mins from now.
This fair size trawler is anchored off the beach at Innisfil Beach Park on Lake Simcoe this morning. That's a hanging chair mounted on the boom. What a great place to watch a sunset from!
Hey @Dream_Inn, are y'all down at Solomons? Someone from the marina posted that a bunch of Rinkers had taken over A dock. Figured you had to be the ringleader.
(You should post it on the sunset thread as well)
20mph 8 hrs to neah bay which is the first stop in the Strait. About 10 miles off the coast now heading north.
To keep it boat related, it's yanmar powered.
Rough fathers day for this guy. I went over and checked on them (was on the jetski).. they were content and seemed okay. They said they'd be floating again at 1030pm, about 50 mins from now.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
My 6 year old living the life! LoL!😂⚓️
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express