Longest trip in 270

2018 will be our second season with our 270 FV. Our boat is in Portsmouth RI in the Narragansett Bay. I have visions of trips to Block Island and Martha’s Vineyard and possibly the CT River. The 270 has a decent sized holding tank and water suppy and we have two newer strong batteries, two VHFs and two GPS units and all USCG requirements. Obviously we will watch the weather and travel early morning before the windskick up. We will probably stay in Marinas most nights. Who has taken long trips in their 270? Suggestions?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
That's each way so 280 total miles.
As long as you have good places to dock along the way you should be fine. We made a point of getting off the boat at every stop. Most dinners were in port.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Next year our long trip will be 287 miles over 10 days going to 6 ports. Stroll in the park.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Luvin, you'll be fine with the plan. Sounds like you'll have everything planned out, which is most important. Our 1st boat was a 24' and we would do 2 sets of 10-day trips on it each year, and at one point with two kids in diapers!
Planning is key and having alternative places and an extra day for every 3 or 4 days to allow for weather. Especially know of places you can duck in if the weather changes or it gets too rough. Also, plan where you may get some groceries along the way (as needed).
Also for us, with kids, I find not having long travel days back to back. Actually, we usually start out real early morning (while kids sleep) and then have at least 1-2 days between travel days if possible. For us it makes it better than short travel days ever day. Last August we did an 18 day trip on the boat, over 300 miles. Our typical 10 day trips cover about the same distance. Gotta say, the 18 day was much more relaxed due to less mileage covered on an average daily basis.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Lastly, if you have not already gotten an MMSI number and programmed it into your VHF radio, you may want to consider that. Having that and a connected GPS make it really easy to be found when you hit the distress button.
Given good weather and a good experience first time around will make it lots easier to do the next one.
Our very first "long trip" was supposed to be with a group but the admiral got sick. We had just gotten our 280 and were supposed to go about 65 miles up to Lexington Michigan. After she was better we decided to go for it. We went to Lexington, then Harbor Beach another 30 miles up the coast, then back to home. Had a little trouble with docking and managed to need some gelcoat repair but had the first "long trip" in the books without incident. The next time we went to Lexington was the first time we hit 6 footers and had a heck of a ride. I had to keep telling the admiral to sit down, but she insisted on taking pictures by unzipping the canvas and leaning out with the camera.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Cruise speed on my 270 was usually most comfortable at 27/28 avg of 1.7/1.8 mpg... it sure drank gas though, it was roughly about 1000 dollars in gas for Fairfield, CT to Westbrook CT to Block Island, to Cutty Hunk MA, to West Dennis MA, a week in west Dennis on the Bass river, then on the return went to Newport/Portsmouth RI, then in one day made it from there to Fairfield CT.
Maybe 1000 doesn't sound like much to the big boys, I'm still in that young person view of $$
So back to the point. If I could have done it again I would have made it so that I had a day to explore places between moving locations. What was hard was going out with random friends I met along the way and being able to wake up at 7, get showered, get breakfast and get moving. On the trip up I lived on the boat for 3 days, meeting family at Westbrook and going sailing on their catamaran and then going out after (to the most hillbilly looking place I've ever been) got me off the boat there. Someone I met at the bar that night had a two lady friends who were on a sailboat in Block Island who showed me around that place the next night, made friends at the dock at Cuttyhunk and went exploring with them. I'd say getting off the boat and doing something like that is a must, with something the size of 270.
Up in cape cod, I slept on the boat for a week straight (got yelled at by a local for my A/C discharge.. she was not happy with me for polluting her water). My family had a house..so most of the time I was up there. On the way back I ended up on a mooring in Newport harbor but a friend from Portsmouth came and got me... so that was nice. Then decided to make the six hour drive all at once (had to stop for gas at Westbrook CT to refill) from Newport RI to Fairfield CT.
The MOST important thing in all the places I stopped was a nice big bathroom with a real shower. IMO the 270 bathroom and shower is kind of like camping in the woods. First of all I am not a huge guy, but I'm not small either, 230 and 6 2 - but I would not trust that toilet after a night of drinking and eating everything in sight. The showers also proved to be kind of not great, at least the inside one. A camp shower that had been heating all day would have been awesome, except it was cloudy everyday of my traveling days on the way up. Point is a real bathroom became a goal to seek out.
Secondary concerns would be A/C on the mooring, luckily the night that I was on a mooring in block there was a huge rainstorm and the breeze was strong after that, it allowed me to crack the front hatch and have a nice cool air coming in. Not sure it would have been as nice having to run the generator all night to keep the A/C going. What I decided about this was that it was worth the $$ to find a dock with power, nobody wants to be listening to a generator run all night and we also don't want to be sweating.. I found docks on dockwa (an app) that were all between 80 and 120 a night including power, some had really awesome clubhouses, kitchens to use and pools (brewers in westbrook lets you cook your own food in their club house)...
for safety my "ditch" plan was that I had a tube with a quick pull knot in the line on the swim platform inflated, a vhf with dsc, a cooler on the backseat with 5 gallons of water and cups in it and an auto inflate life-vest. If I did it again I'd have a PLB with me. Oh yeah and even though sometimes it wasn't possible, always try and go WITH the current, going against it just isn't as fun!
If you come down to the CT river let me know! I have a cousin that lives up there that wants to go boating, maybe I'll meet you up there!
I just spent a few mins making a quick album if you're interested https://photos.app.goo.gl/Jgl8xpEoC3bKPGtz1
Also put in some comments so you would know where all the photos were taken...