well, like I said Raybo. My initial reason for getting a new prop was because I was buying two new props every year (yes, because I kept spinning hubs). But, after reading up a bit, the big cow prop from HM had a lot more to it for those with B-2 drives. My boat is absolutely amazing with the new props (yes, the Mercury 4X4s might have worked as well, but not really sure what they had for B-2 drives). My hole shot is so fast and no struggles whatsoever.
well, like I said Raybo. My initial reason for getting a new prop was because I was buying two new props every year (yes, because I kept spinning hubs). But, after reading up a bit, the big cow prop from HM had a lot more to it for those with B-2 drives. My boat is absolutely amazing with the new props (yes, the Mercury 4X4s might have worked as well, but not really sure what they had for B-2 drives). My hole shot is so fast and no struggles whatsoever.
Ahh DI I think you just answered my question....." yes, the Mercury 4X4s might have worked as well"...... My guess would be that the Hill and Merc's would be about the same but maybe the Hill would be cheaper????? IMO 4x4's with a 20 or 22 pitch cupped stainless steel would be about the same regardless of the manufacturer but the price would be different....... BTW my whole point in asking is that Hill do not come up with some magic formula or super secret in making props...... Just say'n
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Props are on the drive, drive is back on the transom, boat goes in tomorrow! Very excited to try these things out!
Is that new blue bottom paint? If so, it should be 1 inch from the transom
It is not new. Also I'm in freshwater.
I think the paint touching the drive is mainly due to the chemicals in the paint reacting with the metal, not the water being fresh/salt. Some bottom paint is made and is ok to touch the outdrive, hopefully that is the case.
Nope, I don't think Hill came up with any magic formula. Just a darn good prop at a good price! But, for me, it was something special because of the different hubs. I had been looking for 5 years for a prop with different hubs for the B-2 drives that could handle the horsepower I put to them.
Props are on the drive, drive is back on the transom, boat goes in tomorrow! Very excited to try these things out!
Is that new blue bottom paint? If so, it should be 1 inch from the transom
It is not new. Also I'm in freshwater.
I think the paint touching the drive is mainly due to the chemicals in the paint reacting with the metal, not the water being fresh/salt. Some bottom paint is made and is ok to touch the outdrive, hopefully that is the case.
Ahh ok, got it. I don't think it's causing an issue. The drive was just off and doesn't seem to have any corrosion issues. I'd like to strip the bottom and repaint it but that wasn't a this-year project.
Nice! Are they staggered from each other or in line? Looks like they are inline but thought they should be staggered, could be pic angle? ( or I could be wrong thinking that)
I also put hill 4x4s on my 270. I had some things done to it at a local marina and they did a water test. All my mechanic said after testing is "there is a big difference" I can't wait to try them out myself. Anxiously awaiting the update from D2D1.
Okay, I’m at Kingston’s Clam Bar eating lunch after a choppy ride here.... UNBELIEVABLE DIFFERENCE L... no joke!!! Up on plane much quicker under much less power. Held plane at 20mph easily and she just sounded happier.
Question: did you change pitch going from 3 to 4 blades? I'm running 24 pitch 3 blade props now. Curious if I'd need to go down a pitch switching to 4 blade.
Oh man, another happy Hill Marine customer! I just love mine every time while going up on plane. I used to cringe a bit while getting on plane, hoping the hubs would hold out.
Glad to hear you are already enjoying it Diggin'! Have a lobster roll for me!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Anxiously awaiting the update from D2D1.
Question: did you change pitch going from 3 to 4 blades? I'm running 24 pitch 3 blade props now. Curious if I'd need to go down a pitch switching to 4 blade.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Good news!
I just looked up Kingston's, will have to try it out this season. Looks like a tight marina? Do you have to call ahead or can you just show up?
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Oh man, another happy Hill Marine customer! I just love mine every time while going up on plane. I used to cringe a bit while getting on plane, hoping the hubs would hold out.
Glad to hear you are already enjoying it Diggin'!
Have a lobster roll for me!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express