And from what I'm hearing we are only testing people that look like they already have it...meanwhile people that have it with no symptoms yet are running around spreading it. I'm not apologizing for my thoughts..this has been handled poorly. It's going to run through the country, strong will survive...I feel so sorry for our healthcare people...saw on TV tonight workers wearing trashbags because they are out of protective wear and the a team is bragging they have it covered and doing a fantastic job...let's get going and open for business...which I don't totally disagree with...not going to stop this...
We keep our boat in an underground mine in the winter.
@boatman37 I have used Wampum, Brady's Bend, and Toys for winter boat storage for years and like Toys the best because it seems less damp in the mine. Toys also has a more relaxed process to schedule drop off and pick up. They do not assign arrival times and you can call the same day to drop off and pick up. This is very useful to schedule a time to drop off when it is not raining so that the boat is dry when placing it in the mine, All three are close to the same price for 5 months of storage - about $150 for the season. After that the go to pro rated month to month rates.
Yep. I'm at Wampum. Wampum costs me about $350/season. I'm on the waiting list to get in the climate controlled. It's about 5 miles from my house. Been to Moraine State Park hundreds of times.
@PickleRick - as of 9am, no entry into the keys man... I can sneak you in maybe..
We're in the low teens at the moment. Doing my best to just be alone by myself... boss is not making that easy and neither is the new lady friend... would be fine if she'd just hang w/ me but she has to go see her friends and her friends have kids... looks like I'm going to go take the boat somewhere and make it a solo trip this weekend because of that!i
My son has been driving from Pittsburgh to New Hampshire then back to Clarksburg, WV every week and staying in hotels for work. His company gave them all a paper saying their jobs were essential.
The company the admiral works for has grocery store chains in the keys as well as all over the east coast. All their company letterheads are the same, stores carry different names but the parent company/letter head is the same. Corpate has prepared for this for weeks. Management jumps from store to store as needed all the time. I dont think we'd have an issue going across a check point
Getting our boat rental and the home owner being able to rent us his home(we've already paid for both in full) might be the hold up.
If all ramps are closed i couldn't tow my own boat. L 'm
I think if the keys are closed to public we will postpone.
Good story. I really think that this is only the beginning. U.S. now has the largest number of cases anywhere in the world. Some say it's because of increased testing, and they could be right but the biggest issue with this virus is that many people that have or had it will never be aware. It is possible to be infected and not show symptoms. Yet each of those people can spread the disease. If anyone thinks this will all be over in a few weeks, or even months, forget it. Look at it this way, the first cases were reported in China in December, worsened in January and the people there were placed under mandatory, military enforced quarantine. No movement period. And only in the last week are they reporting that things are leveling out. 4 months. Now look at the U.S. where people are still travelling around for no other reason than they feel it's their god given right to do so. Complaining about things being closed and they can't go there. Using essential employee letters to travel about freely. Really? New York has brought in 45 refrigerated trucks to serve as makeshift morgues, increasing capacity to 3600 bodies. New Orleans is anticipating the collapse of their medical care system because the number of cases is rising exponentially every day. Part of the problem there is that there were few reported cases so it was party on as usual. But now those cases are showing up. And it's not just big cities. Smaller cities and towns in Michigan (of all places) are reporting a larger than average number of cases based on their population. So if you think you're going to be skipped because you live in a rural area or there haven't been a lot of reported cases, forget it.
Many on the forum are familiar with Melors for their EVA foam that is similar to Seadek. I get emails from them on occasion and today I received this, find it interesting.
morning. How are you doing in America? I hope you and your family are fine and
am so sorry to hear about the spread of the virus in the world. Are you
affected by the Coronavirus outbreak? How about the status at your side?
has been well cared and supported from all over the world because of the Novel
Corona Virus. During these 2 months, we suffered, we united, and we learned
that how important the mask is to prevent the spread of virus.
If you need we can provide you and your family
with masks, hope you all are well.
Meanwhile, we can help you on CE 3ply and KN95
face mask for large quantity.
I'm curious: among the people here, how many degrees of separation do you have from the virus?
0 = I am infected 1 = I live with an infected person 2 = I know an infected person (close friend or coworker) 3 = I know an infected person (casual acquaintance or rarely see them) 4 = I know someone who knows an infected person 5 = none of the above
Yesterday, I went from 5 to 4. A buddy of mine has a neighbor who is infected.
Rumor around local medical personnel is still that this has been in the upstate since December and was being diagnosed as non a typical flu. This was a blanket diagnosis for flu symptoms that didnt test positive for flu.
If indeed this is the case then i have 2 elderly but healthy as an ox grandparents who had it and a buddy. All were diagnosed with the non-a typical flu and tested negative for flu back in January.
Turned into full blown pneumonia for my buddy. He's in his 40s but his manufacturing job causes him to sleep maybe 4 or 5 hours a day if lucky, his immune system is probably always worn down.
Got the postcard. Dismissed it as campaign propaganda. It contained no information that isn't known to anybody with an internet connection or newspaper subscription.
Yep. I'm at Wampum. Wampum costs me about $350/season. I'm on the waiting list to get in the climate controlled. It's about 5 miles from my house. Been to Moraine State Park hundreds of times.
We're in the low teens at the moment. Doing my best to just be alone by myself... boss is not making that easy and neither is the new lady friend... would be fine if she'd just hang w/ me but she has to go see her friends and her friends have kids... looks like I'm going to go take the boat somewhere and make it a solo trip this weekend because of that!
Go Steelers!!!
The company the admiral works for has grocery store chains in the keys as well as all over the east coast. All their company letterheads are the same, stores carry different names but the parent company/letter head is the same. Corpate has prepared for this for weeks. Management jumps from store to store as needed all the time. I dont think we'd have an issue going across a check point
Getting our boat rental and the home owner being able to rent us his home(we've already paid for both in full) might be the hold up.
If all ramps are closed i couldn't tow my own boat. L 'm
I think if the keys are closed to public we will postpone.
New York has brought in 45 refrigerated trucks to serve as makeshift morgues, increasing capacity to 3600 bodies. New Orleans is anticipating the collapse of their medical care system because the number of cases is rising exponentially every day. Part of the problem there is that there were few reported cases so it was party on as usual. But now those cases are showing up.
And it's not just big cities. Smaller cities and towns in Michigan (of all places) are reporting a larger than average number of cases based on their population. So if you think you're going to be skipped because you live in a rural area or there haven't been a lot of reported cases, forget it.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I get emails from them on occasion and today I received this, find it interesting.
Good morning. How are you doing in America? I hope you and your family are fine and safe.
I am so sorry to hear about the spread of the virus in the world. Are you affected by the Coronavirus outbreak? How about the status at your side?
China has been well cared and supported from all over the world because of the Novel Corona Virus. During these 2 months, we suffered, we united, and we learned that how important the mask is to prevent the spread of virus.
If you need we can provide you and your family with masks, hope you all are well.
Meanwhile, we can help you on CE 3ply and KN95 face mask for large quantity.

Best regards,Ivy Zeng
Melors (HK) Industry Co.,Limited
0 = I am infected
1 = I live with an infected person
2 = I know an infected person (close friend or coworker)
3 = I know an infected person (casual acquaintance or rarely see them)
4 = I know someone who knows an infected person
5 = none of the above
Yesterday, I went from 5 to 4. A buddy of mine has a neighbor who is infected.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
If indeed this is the case then i have 2 elderly but healthy as an ox grandparents who had it and a buddy. All were diagnosed with the non-a typical flu and tested negative for flu back in January.
Turned into full blown pneumonia for my buddy. He's in his 40s but his manufacturing job causes him to sleep maybe 4 or 5 hours a day if lucky, his immune system is probably always worn down.
oh - 5
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club