Took the afternoon off to watch the Blue Angels. One of the benifits of living in Annapolis is that we can see them every year for the USNA graduation week. Was pulling in and my wife goes "Oh there's a Rinker" Look over and it is @Dream_Inn. Yell out "Hey John" and my wife goes "really? you even know someone out here?" Day was great. We waited an hr for all the yahoos to clear out before we left as it was really choppy and i am pretty low to the water now. Couldn't get my anchor out. It was stuck good. Had to flag someone down to borrow a knife as I hadn't put any tools at all in the boat. I was either going to have to chew threw it with my teeth or call SeaTow. I really liked that anchor too. 14 lb flawless stainless steel. Now i have to shop for a whole new anchor and rode.
If I had only still been around, I probably could've attached that anchor line to my bow and gave it a good 13 ton yank! Sorry to hear you lost it. I guess you didn't tie any floater to it?
No it was in 15 ft of water so I didn't think I could swim down and dislodge it. Trust me I pulled hard with the boat in a full 360. New one should be here by next weekend. The thing I thought was funny was the first time I said the words..." I really liked that anchor" it's like a line out of a Jeff Foxworthy bit.
64 is the verge of swimming. I'd much rather minimum of 70 for a nice swim, unless it is scuba diving, that is a solid 80 plus in the Caribbean (even at 80 feet deep)
Rinker sold but still have other boats Eastern LI, NY
You guys have some warm blood. Water is 81 here and I won't get in much past my knees. About 88 degree, bath water, is when I'll start getting in. Maybe 2-3 weeks with all the rain/cool nights we've been getting.
First launch of the season and the flush macerator for the Jacobson toilet is leaking at the inner seal. Just beautiful. So glad it's just the admiral and me this weekend, we'll head up to the parents place for bathroom usage. She had wanted to bring the mother in law. While I absolutely love her company this is exactly why guests don't come on first launch weekends.
No pics as we all have PTSD from our own head issues
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
More pics of that boat!
Love me a CC Launch.
Too bad about the anchor.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
First launch of the season and the flush macerator for the Jacobson toilet is leaking at the inner seal. Just beautiful. So glad it's just the admiral and me this weekend, we'll head up to the parents place for bathroom usage. She had wanted to bring the mother in law. While I absolutely love her company this is exactly why guests don't come on first launch weekends.
No pics as we all have PTSD from our own head issues
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2015 Scarab 165G
Laser Sailboat
2002 Seadoo Explorer
2023 Seadoo Spark Trixx x 2