Well. After practicing with this lorenzian thing, and trading view. "Made" about a 40k gain in two trades yesterday, in a market watch GAME, not real money...
Rode the same stock up and down, again, this is fake money, but mirrors the real market...
So... it's been enough time, making fake money... decided to try this little strategy out today...
Came home with close to a 30% gain in one stock.. going to keep trying this out in the real world and see how it goes. What were people talking about with the market being down today?? All I saw was green?? (kidding kidding)..
Here's the real money today... top is WW and bottom is SE. I threw 100 bucks back into WW because the indicator has not said to sell. I just decided I was happy with 25+% for the day and sold at the end of day.. however it seems to have stayed up..
And then another 7 or so in this one...
There was another in there that sat at 5 most of the day and I just closed it out at the end to not have to deal with it..
You'd laugh at how these two were picked. If it really turns out to be a sound method I'll of course let you all know..
I have only been trading futures with it for the most part. Been tweaking my settings. Friday I made $1025. Yesterday lost $375. Today made $1150. Last week the indicator was good for 45.75pts. So far this week it's up 17.50pts.
I have the Lorentzian chart up then have a 100 SMMA (smoothed simple moving average) and thats all on my chart. I also have an indicator called Trend Alert. My settings on that are set to 30 minutes on LT and 5 minutes on ST (long term and short term). My chart is set to 1 minute. Can't remember my settings on the lorentzian chart but can get those tomorrow when i'm on my trading computer. Today i had 1 small loss, 1 small win then 1 bigger win
I have only been trading futures with it for the most part. Been tweaking my settings. Friday I made $1025. Yesterday lost $375. Today made $1150. Last week the indicator was good for 45.75pts. So far this week it's up 17.50pts.
I have the Lorentzian chart up then have a 100 SMMA (smoothed simple moving average) and thats all on my chart. I also have an indicator called Trend Alert. My settings on that are set to 30 minutes on LT and 5 minutes on ST (long term and short term). My chart is set to 1 minute. Can't remember my settings on the lorentzian chart but can get those tomorrow when i'm on my trading computer. Today i had 1 small loss, 1 small win then 1 bigger win
You the man! I'm going to mess around with smaller amounts... maybe someday go bigger... the thrill of entering and knowing it was "safe" was fun and then being able to tell a friend "out" and watching that actually be the days high was cool as ****!
This is what i came up with and what has been working for me. and i am still trading conservatively. i'm only trading 1 contract at a time. 2 contracts would obviously double it but there is a trailing threshold of -$2500 and trading 2 can get me close to that with a bigger loss so until i get past a certain amount that trailing threshold stops so after i get cushion built up i'll increase to 2 contracts. so far today i'm only up $62 in each account...lol. but better than being down $62
I am going to look at that for sure later, thank you.. here's the run down so far today.... This is crazy... On all of these I set trailing edge limit stops of 5% at first, and then as they go up I increase, at +20% I think i'd put at 10% trailing edge percent in.. we'll see.
Premarket, 2 min trade. Indicator looked good to go, went and brushed teeth, hit 6% and sold when I left for work. Bought at 9:28am, out by 9:35, took 11%
I also did this one in the game and threw 50k at it just to see what would happen if it was big money... walked away with +$3000 in 5 mins. Wow!
Looked around for something to grab at 11:30am, sitting on this one at the moment. It's not flying up, but it did go 4% in the first 5mins after entry... bought in because the indicators looked good. Trying out this other one called "Echo (LuxAlgo)" to see if it's accurate. There's a couple rules to it, but I'm just following the main one of you only buy if the last candle is green and touches the top.
We'll see how high this one goes, but every single one of these that I am getting above 2.5% on in a few minutes...I am considering a win. If it goes more than 4%, well, how can it not be a win? Right? Am I naive?
Here is the chart with the Luxalgo indicator that made me think I might try RPHM. My thought process is that if a 1min, 15min and 1 hour chart all agree that things look good, then we are good to go. Maybe that's wrong, but it seems to work sitting here looking at +4.15% for the entire time it's taken me to make this post..
So what platform do you guys use for day trading? Any fees with those? Just curious. I don't do day trading, but I do have time when I'm buying or selling multiple different stocks daily. I just use vanguard, without any fees. But I know that I couldn't actively day trade using that.
Here are my results trading futures so far this week. Trading 1 contract at a time so very conservative. Up 637.50 in each account today (2 accounts). My winning % isn't grat but my risk/reward gives great results
So what platform do you guys use for day trading? Any fees with those? Just curious. I don't do day trading, but I do have time when I'm buying or selling multiple different stocks daily. I just use vanguard, without any fees. But I know that I couldn't actively day trade using that.
For my futures trading i have to use Ninja Trader. i'm using a prop firm so using their money and thats what they require. but for options i use thinkorswim by TD Ameritrade but there are many good ones out there.
It's buying season again in Crypto. Every time they raise interest rates, it affects it pretty quickly. Some decent buys right now. I picked up some more DOT & MATIC today.
I'd be careful in crypto right now. The charts almost all say it isn't time..
However, I did grab a few bucks out of matic this morning lmao, just couldn't resist.
Matic was the only one that looked good and only for that short amount of time.. the rest were all garbage all day.. part of the key is that you never open a long position unless the candle after the green indicator is above the white line, AND the candle with the green mark closes above the white line.. I bailed 2/3's of the way to the top, just didn't want to risk it.
Had a bunch of 2 and 3% takes, got tired of waiting for them to do something AND they ended up falling anyway, so was happy to get out with even 50 cents.. lol
However. There were two that I looked at around 7am that looked very attractive, this morning was going to be a busy morning and I wasn't going to be able to pay attention... so I used my two different market watch competitions to place large bets on both of them...
1. Sunk this whole account into it on open.. (had put the buy order in around 730am ... remember folks fake money here...
2. Same thing, same account, just a different "game" (you can be in as many games as you want to be)
I didn't actually get back to my desk until early afternoon and managed to snag about 12% off of the last little blip up. Frustrating that I could have literally made 30k this week, while the market is crashing and burning, but at the same time 4 dollars and 55 cents for free (and having fun making it) is nothing to complain about!!
I caught this one at the end of the day.. would have been nice to have been on that run up.. currently sitting at +3% and I'm playing with a little more real money than I'm comfortable with.. but I figured I'd dip my toe in one that is slow moving and see what happens. will be up early and have some time in the AM to actually stay on top of it.
Here are my results trading futures so far this week. Trading 1 contract at a time so very conservative. Up 637.50 in each account today (2 accounts). My winning % isn't grat but my risk/reward gives great results
This is all a different language to me, but your real world gains are soo much better than mine!!
as I was saying... holy cow... (I keep a tiny amount in these so that eventually I'll get the +5% notification from RH, when they start going back up...again...if they ever will!)
Here are my results trading futures so far this week. Trading 1 contract at a time so very conservative. Up 637.50 in each account today (2 accounts). My winning % isn't grat but my risk/reward gives great results
This is all a different language to me, but your real world gains are soo much better than mine!!
Much of that is greek to me but I look at net profit, winning %, avg winning trade, avg losing trade and potential monthly profit. And really the only one that matters is the net profit...lol
Lets have some fun. I finally had some time this morning to really look things over. Here's how I'm playing the game today... Large buy = the charts say GO. Small buy = me thinking that there might be a real winner in there.. If money were no object, I would throw 100k into each of the large buys. and 15k into each of the small buys. Will be fun to compare the numbers at the end of the day. (This is NOT me telling you to buy these lmao).
I am probably not going to go in today with real money..just want to put this to the real test.
@J3ff so you took money OUT of MATIC at these prices? Whoa! It's buying season, not selling hahahaha. It's below $1.....that's not when ya sell lol. I just bought more DOT. I get 11% staking rewards on it, and it's a great buy right now too.
Well lighting doesn't strike twice in the same spot right? But that UNCY was a darn beautiful stock today.. she's still on the rise too.. what a winner!! Which I had extra $$ laying around to play with.Going to close out the week in the red, somehow... **** crypto.. ha ha
Lets have some fun. I finally had some time this morning to really look things over. Here's how I'm playing the game today... Large buy = the charts say GO. Small buy = me thinking that there might be a real winner in there.. If money were no object, I would throw 100k into each of the large buys. and 15k into each of the small buys. Will be fun to compare the numbers at the end of the day. (This is NOT me telling you to buy these lmao).
I am probably not going to go in today with real money..just want to put this to the real test.
Here are my results for this week. I have 2 accts that are linked through Trade Copier so when I enter a trade in one acct it automatically mirrors it in the other. Amounts aren't always identical due to slippage but close. My winning % is only 56% for this week but my risk management makes for good profits even at 40%.
If I had entered every alert I got between 8:30 and 4:00 minus noon to 1:00 (so 8:30-noon and 1:00-4:00) and if I got exact entries I could have made $2237.50 last week and $2225.00 per contract this week. With my 2 accts linked I could have made $4500 each week. I'm doing good but could be better. I have only been trading this system with these settings for 2 weeks. I was trading it for about 2 weeks prior but was fine tuning settings. I actually lost money last week so I think I have it dialed in now
If I had entered every alert I got between 8:30 and 4:00 minus noon to 1:00 (so 8:30-noon and 1:00-4:00) and if I got exact entries I could have made $2237.50 last week and $2225.00 per contract this week. With my 2 accts linked I could have made $4500 each week. I'm doing good but could be better. I have only been trading this system with these settings for 2 weeks. I was trading it for about 2 weeks prior but was fine tuning settings. I actually lost money last week so I think I have it dialed in now
hey man that's a good week as long as it's green!!
I just figured out how to do semi auto trades in trading view.. can't wait to have at it on Monday, as Robinhood was slowing me down too much... l
Rode the same stock up and down, again, this is fake money, but mirrors the real market...
So... it's been enough time, making fake money... decided to try this little strategy out today...
Came home with close to a 30% gain in one stock.. going to keep trying this out in the real world and see how it goes. What were people talking about with the market being down today?? All I saw was green?? (kidding kidding)..
Here's the real money today... top is WW and bottom is SE. I threw 100 bucks back into WW because the indicator has not said to sell. I just decided I was happy with 25+% for the day and sold at the end of day.. however it seems to have stayed up..
And then another 7 or so in this one...
There was another in there that sat at 5 most of the day and I just closed it out at the end to not have to deal with it..
You'd laugh at how these two were picked. If it really turns out to be a sound method I'll of course let you all know..
Premarket, 2 min trade. Indicator looked good to go, went and brushed teeth, hit 6% and sold when I left for work.
Bought at 9:28am, out by 9:35, took 11%
I also did this one in the game and threw 50k at it just to see what would happen if it was big money... walked away with +$3000 in 5 mins. Wow!
Looked around for something to grab at 11:30am, sitting on this one at the moment. It's not flying up, but it did go 4% in the first 5mins after entry... bought in because the indicators looked good. Trying out this other one called "Echo (LuxAlgo)" to see if it's accurate. There's a couple rules to it, but I'm just following the main one of you only buy if the last candle is green and touches the top.
We'll see how high this one goes, but every single one of these that I am getting above 2.5% on in a few minutes...I am considering a win. If it goes more than 4%, well, how can it not be a win? Right? Am I naive?
I am picking this by randomly looking for high movers here: https://www.tradingview.com/markets/stocks-usa/market-movers-gainers/ and then throwing them into the charts we've been talking about...
Here is the chart with the Luxalgo indicator that made me think I might try RPHM. My thought process is that if a 1min, 15min and 1 hour chart all agree that things look good, then we are good to go. Maybe that's wrong, but it seems to work
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
But I did just snag 10% on a 5 min trade..
However, I did grab a few bucks out of matic this morning lmao, just couldn't resist.
Matic was the only one that looked good and only for that short amount of time.. the rest were all garbage all day.. part of the key is that you never open a long position unless the candle after the green indicator is above the white line, AND the candle with the green mark closes above the white line.. I bailed 2/3's of the way to the top, just didn't want to risk it.
Had a bunch of 2 and 3% takes, got tired of waiting for them to do something AND they ended up falling anyway, so was happy to get out with even 50 cents.. lol
However. There were two that I looked at around 7am that looked very attractive, this morning was going to be a busy morning and I wasn't going to be able to pay attention... so I used my two different market watch competitions to place large bets on both of them...
1. Sunk this whole account into it on open.. (had put the buy order in around 730am ... remember folks fake money here...
2. Same thing, same account, just a different "game" (you can be in as many games as you want to be)
I didn't actually get back to my desk until early afternoon and managed to snag about 12% off of the last little blip up. Frustrating that I could have literally made 30k this week, while the market is crashing and burning, but at the same time 4 dollars and 55 cents for free (and having fun making it) is nothing to complain about!!
I caught this one at the end of the day.. would have been nice to have been on that run up.. currently sitting at +3% and I'm playing with a little more real money than I'm comfortable with.. but I figured I'd dip my toe in one that is slow moving and see what happens. will be up early and have some time in the AM to actually stay on top of it.
Much of that is greek to me but I look at net profit, winning %, avg winning trade, avg losing trade and potential monthly profit. And really the only one that matters is the net profit...lol
I am probably not going to go in today with real money..just want to put this to the real test.
+20 percent in 6 mins.
I just bought more DOT. I get 11% staking rewards on it, and it's a great buy right now too.
Saw that staking thing... can you explain how to set that up?
when there is a buy signal on this - I'll be back..
I just figured out how to do semi auto trades in trading view.. can't wait to have at it on Monday, as Robinhood was slowing me down too much... l