Hurricane Irma

Well looks like Hurricane Irma will be hitting us. I plan to leave the boat in the lift but strap it down real tight. I also plan on leaving if it's a Cat 4 or worse on Sunday. I also plan to post a lot of pictures when I get back.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I lived in FL in 2004, in a hammock, tied to my Jeep. I rode Charlie out near Arcadia, FL that way. I ran back to my storage unit in New Smyrna, where I rode out Charlie again (the storm made a 180 turn). Between those two hits I lost most of my stuff, the job opportunity that I was waiting on (lineman with Florida Electric), and was forced to go stay with family in MD. I met my future wife there, and now I'm trying to figure out how to keep our three beautiful kids safe from yet another storm!
The secret to surviving a hurricane is the same as a train. Wait until it's close enough it can't swerve, then if you're on the tracks move!
That said, I always go "what" when I hear year round boating and Florida in the same sentence. My parents lived in Fort Lauderdale for 18 years. IMO from June to August it was too bloody hot to boat. People ran from their AC cars to the AC malls, homes and work places. September/October brought hurricanes. November/December brought rain. December was decent temperature wise and it got better steadily until March when the temps were decent until June. I was in Fort Meyers last September and they were boarding-up buildings, stocking-up on supplies and issuing evacuation route warnings. For God's sake there are permanent evacuation route markings on the city streets.
So good luck Gulf Coast guys but please don't feel sorry for we Northern boaters. This year was a bit weird with all the rain (no hurricanes though) - but usually for us - April is a great time to start, a bit rainy but warm. May through August is fantastic weather. September and October are usually beautiful boating months. So 7 great months with no hiding from hurricanes, weather related insurance claims, stocking-up on food worrying about storage sheds going airborne.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)