You can do it, we been looking forward to this 10 years, my wife retired from teaching last school year. Plan your work, work your plan. My name is Randy I'm a snow bird.
Pt Charlotte is a cool area...where the CIA practiced the bay of pigs failed operatiin..cayo costa...upper captiva...tarpon fishing capital of the world...there are solar powered homes on cayo Costa you can rent but they are solar gor a reason...I hope I can go back before it gets developed..
Reminds me of a big party my sister threw for coworkers ten years ago.
My band was playing for about an "enthusiastic" (read, drunk) crowd of about 100 people. There was a big sign on the front of the stage that said "SPRING FLING 2010". Somehow, the letter "L" fell off, so the sign just said "SPRING F'ING".
After a while, they found the errant letter and put it back. But it kept falling off and disappearing. Weird.
I tend to believe the "U" in that sign was purposely broken by someone who is wonderfully childish like myself. Here is another photo that's been around for a bit. I believe this was intentional too. The placement of the fender was just too perfect.
It was 75, slight 10 mph breeze when for a 4 hour boat ride up the Peace river, found this bird, reminded me of @Willhound last nite sunset over the bay.
It was 75, slight 10 mph breeze when for a 4 hour boat ride up the Peace river, found this bird, reminded me of @Willhound last nite sunset over the bay.
Was it the long spindley legs and fat pink body???😄😄😄
Over the next couple months, I'll send a few pic's of SW FL. As I always enjoyed when J3ff sent pic's of the keys. Your sitting in your skivvies browsing this forum, as it winter up north thinking of next years boating season. The first set is lake Okeechobee. If you want me to stop say so. Dang bird wanted a boat ride cannot see across the lake
I like a good cIit!!
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Got down into the 20s last night.
We can't do this again (comforably) until June. April or May if you don't mind chilly water. I prefer bath water lake temps
My band was playing for about an "enthusiastic" (read, drunk) crowd of about 100 people. There was a big sign on the front of the stage that said "SPRING FLING 2010". Somehow, the letter "L" fell off, so the sign just said "SPRING F'ING".
After a while, they found the errant letter and put it back. But it kept falling off and disappearing. Weird.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
If you want me to stop say so.
Dang bird wanted a boat ride
cannot see across the lake
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)