All trimmed up and ready to go. The silver skin on this one was difficult so I didn’t get it all. Fully injected and rubbed down. It’s going on at 6amMeh....
Nothing too adventurous here ... a quartet of 1.5" fillets dry-brining in the fridge. Kosher salt and a little pepper, let 'em rest 5-6 hours, then I'll reverse sear them with apple wood smoke.
@69fastback what's the putting it back on the grill do? Give it a crust? I've always wrapped mine in a towel and in an insulated cooler for several hours to finish then serve. But always looking for new ideas.
@69fastback what's the putting it back on the grill do? Give it a crust? I've always wrapped mine in a towel and in an insulated cooler for several hours to finish then serve. But always looking for new ideas.
I take it to the stall (around 170) uncovered, then pull it off and wrap it in butcher paper and stick it back on. I start checking for tenderness around 200 and pull it off to rest for 1.5 hours before unwrapping. Wrapping it helps create a nice bark and it’ll finish a little faster.
This is the best I can do for you @Handymans342. Its got veggies.Daughter got me a pizza stone for Father's Day. Tried it with homemade pizza on the Traeger the other day. Super yummy and a hint of Smokey flavour. Before and after.
Our meager dinner. A lowly Sirloin the Mrs. marinated in some Caesar dressing with olive oil and garlic. Wouldn't be my pick, but worked well. Fresh mushrooms with onions fried in a cast iron pan on the side burner of the Broil King with fresh Ontario asparagus and Caprese salad. Pinot Grigio on the side.
This is the best I can do for you @Handymans342. Its got veggies.Daughter got me a pizza stone for Father's Day. Tried it with homemade pizza on the Traeger the other day. Super yummy and a hint of Smokey flavour. Before and after.
Thank goodness - that wasn’t the “after” I was expecting!!
You guys aren't allowed to laugh but I dragged out my 20 year old $15 charcoal BBQ tonight. Was bright red once but sunlight and heat have made it a dull pink. Have a gas fired Broil King and a Traeger pellet grill that are used most often but once in a while I crave the smokey charcoal taste of my youth. Brings back happy memories of about 50 years ago when we went every weekend to a local beach where on a hot day at dusk the charcoal smoke hung low over the water as dinners were prepared. These are Venison burgers from a Deer I harvested myself. By all accounts around the table the best ever.
and if it’s Sunday, supercross will be playing outside with the smoker.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
This post is making me hungry.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)