Happy Spring!



  • GMSLITHOGMSLITHO Member Posts: 1,593 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    so some people claim that the last election was the most secure election ever I think that’s all bs 
    I think the government will institute the block chain voting and get rid of the dominion machines 
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    @rasbury, you need to read the state constitutions where it says: no one or body is allowed to change the voting rules BUT the state legislatures. Not the state courts which is what happened in many Dem states to accommodate Covid. Wrong in every sense
    The states constitutions do not over rule the federal constitution. Amendments 15 and 19 state that congress has the right to overturn a state law that restricts voting, thank God.  In simple terms,  it keeps a party that's has a majority in power at the state legislation from creating laws that restrict the other party from voting keeping themselves in power which is exactly what is going on. The gop needs to give people with like minds a reason to show up at the poles instead of restrict those that do not.

    Florida has a huge case in court because of ghost candidates that ran in my county as well as south FL funded by dark money and FL power is involved. Their actions no question changed the balance of power in this state- no one talking about that. One indictment has been handed down as the investigation cintinues.
  • GMSLITHOGMSLITHO Member Posts: 1,593 ✭✭✭✭
  • oscar1oscar1 Member Posts: 762 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    Rasbury you said you don't agree what Desanti is doing in Florida, so I am give you a great solution to your problem which it will allow you to have your demoract opinion out of Florida. 
  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't want to sound pompous here ... it's not my intention. My intention is to share that this kind of discussion RUINED another website blog I was on (and left). Nothing but hatred being slung ... mods probably kept it running because it brings in traffic ... and now we have a fishing website that has become a political/covid mudslinging website ... it's terrible.

    But here's what I have to say ...

    You guys are sure changing the world and fixing things by typing behind a keyboard on this website and crapping each other out ... in other words, WHAT are you really achieving. NOTHING, but raising your blood pressure. Absolute diddly squat nothing.

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • davidbrooksdavidbrooks Member Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭✭
    @oscar1 anytime i see someone putting any conditions on voting or doing anything to make it harder i look deeper into why.  Almost always it is something that is designed against a specific demographic.  Take a look at this article. 11 Barriers to Voting | Voting Rights | Carnegie Corporation of New York. So my day job deals a lot with mapping and analysis through data tied to maps.  Anytime i see someone redrawing a boundary i know it is all about control and politics.  I don't care if it is a elementary school boundary or a congressional district.   If you take a look at this site State Voter ID Rules • VoteRiders it shows what states require an id, which states don't and which states have really strict id requirements.  Overlay the really strict ones with republican vs democrat.  The really strict ones are 100% republican.  So is that a chicken or egg thing.  Are the strict requirements what is keeping them republican?  I guarantee it.  Don't believe me just watch GA.  Stacy Abrams is running purely on getting people out to vote that just felt it was too hard or that their vote didn't count.  So MD is a very democratic state.  Just tweaked their maps to stay that way and have had a republican gov for the last 8 yrs.  He has been great to be very honest.  I hope he stays in politics.  In order to register to vote in MD you need an id, be 18 and a MD resident.  Not have been convicted of buying or selling votes, Not be in a guardianship for mental disabilities and not in prison for a felony.  You get the right back after prison.  At the polls you give your name and address and you get marked off the list.  It is simple and effective and every year we get a pretty good turnout regardless of political affiliation or weather.  To me that is the right measure of success.

    NY isnt the only place to put into effect the requirement to show a vaccine card.  DC just did it also.  You have to show at least one shot to get into a restaurant, Gym or store.  By Mid Feb you have to show two shots.  I live just north of DC and my county is considering doing the same.  I hope it doesn't pass.  With any luck as we get past this wave of positive cases people will calm down.  Just keep saying "This too shall pass" give it time.  If we all just realize that if you look back 5 plus years at the things that got you mad.  See if it still does.  @Handymans342 The federal gov can absolutely put in place laws on voting that the states must follow.  The last one was the voting rights act of 1970 where they established a min age of 18 to vote. 
    It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
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