Said the same back years ago when guys were chroming everything under the hood of their hot cars. Going down the road blowing them away they could only see big tires and chromed exhaust tips.
@LaRea that's crap, makes no difference at all. Absolutely ZERO. Man you love to over think things....LOL JK I agree about barnacle's, growth, dings, but not discoloration. If the surface isn't smooth I agree that's a problem also but shinny for the sake of shinny makes no difference and is a waste of time if you keep your boat in the water all season.
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
@raybo3 I guess you didn't read what I wrote. It's not just discoloration. My props feel like sandpaper by the end of the season. (Actually more like 220 grit, not 150.)
Whatever ... I can prove you are wrong. With clean props, my boat hit 45.4 mph. You go ahead and think whatever you want, and I'll go ahead and clean my props every spring!
@LaRea I guess you didn't read my post. I said if your props are rough that's a problem. In a lot of cases discoloration is just that, discoloration. So no you cannot prove me wrong.......... Just say'n
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
Why do all the go fast boats have nice shiny props??
I think because most of them are trailered and not kept in the water.
They look pretty when on the trailer.
The last two pics are of the safety boat. I was told that a guy was wiping down the props on the race boat and sliced his hand up pretty good, right through a pair of leather gloves 😳.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
"A smooth, clean, and shiny propeller that’s properly maintained is critical to establishing optimal fuel efficiency."
Whatever ... I can prove you are wrong. With clean props, my boat hit 45.4 mph. You go ahead and think whatever you want, and I'll go ahead and clean my props every spring!
(Now stop trolling me! Bahahahahaha)
Shinny = informal hockey game or "that kid likes to shinny up a tree"
Shiny = very clean or polished surface.
I vote for clean props. But mine are at eye level all the time in 'rack & launch'.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
I was told that a guy was wiping down the props on the race boat and sliced his hand up pretty good, right through a pair of leather gloves 😳.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)