@Michael T that is why im not going to participate in this nonsense. Thank you for posting that info. I had figured that was the case. I will continue to wash my hands because that's just basic personal hygiene which i already do. I hope most people already do as well, after all, its basic hygiene.
I got my monthly blood transfusion on Tuesday. Watched a nurse (this is in the highly specialized section) in a major hospital. Turn the tap on with her hand, wash her hands vigorously then shut the tap off with her hand.........Whisky - Tango - Foxtrot???? Just had to smile! Too funny!
I got my monthly blood transfusion on Tuesday. Watched a nurse (this is in the highly specialized section) in a major hospital. Turn the tap on with her hand, wash her hands vigorously then shut the tap off with her hand.........Whisky - Tango - Foxtrot???? Just had to smile! Too funny!
I do this in all public restrooms, and i open the door with a paper towel.
Menus are one of the the dirtiest things in a restaurant. Wash your hands after ordering. Dont touch your cup after you've touched the menus.
@Handymans342 i dont know anyone but there are several schools around me with children who are self quarantined. My sons school is considering online school for 30 days.
I think before this is over, we all will have had it. I can only assume all the shutting down of everything is so we don't all have it at the same time overwhelming the healthcare system.
Also, from the time you get it to when it's no longer contagious is about to weeks.
So it's like having the flu or a bad cold.
There's no need to go to a doctor unless you have complications or a compromised immune systems.
Lysol the entire house like you do to keep from spreading a cold. Don't leave the house, dont to go work. You wouldn't go yo work with the flu would you ..or a restaurant....or chruch...or to your kids karate class????
Same stuff you do to keep from spreading a cold or flu to your family and co workers.
Im a parent so i always have a medicine cabinet full of allergy/cold/flu meds as well as other basic medications. I even keep left over muscle relaxers or pain killers from surgeries in case i have to fly. Id rather have a few beers before flying but those are a good morning flight beer alternative. I hate flying.
Looked at FL- last week two cases...west coast...then panhandle...the east coast.mmthen next county over...then last night next town over. Point is as time goes on, it will happen and we will survive but it's going to hurt.
Is your pool heated? Mine is way to cold still to get in. And no, probably not! I'm taking a day off the next 7 weeks to burn off some vacation time...so I'll get some extra boating time and work around the house time. Also companies that do sanitizing of buildings will flourish and grow- sounds like some new vehicle sales opportunities to me!
I got a call right in the middle of a print job for a opening of a broad yaw show to stop the job .now I have 60 ,000 postcards printed one side waiting for things to get back to normal
I got a call right in the middle of a print job for a opening of a broad yaw show to stop the job .now I have 60 ,000 postcards printed one side waiting for things to get back to normal
People are panic buying and stripping the shelves of food at Trader Joe's and other markets here. My sons are in New York City and Boston, same there. Prepping - not just for hillbillies anymore.
Our school corp just said school is closed 3 weeks till April 3rd. A part of that was spring break week. I bet they will have to make up two weeks of it.
NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS all postponed. Major shows cancelled. Even Euro 2020 and Summer Olympic cancellations being debated. Stocks down about 30%, Bitcoin down 50%, Gold down 12%, Silver down 20%. Orders being cancelled. Projects being cancelled. Cruises suspended for 2 months. Many airlines cancelling flights. Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Spain all declared states of emergency and only essential business are legally able to stay open (defined as groceries, pharmacies and emergency services). Schools basically in USA and Canada closed for 3 week (2 weeks following spring break).
Can anyone calculate the economic impact of all this? I can tell you, we have NEVER gone through an economic loss like this before ... sure WW1 and WW2 left us in tatters ... and I don't see it being that bad, but they started with not that much. I'm talking $$$ lost, in such a short period of time ... like less than 1 month. Trillions $$??
So ask yourself, why on earth would the governments do this if it's just one big joke?
They are not telling us something ...
Anyhow, watch this video, lots of good info in it.
My sister-in-law sent me this pic. Her friend was at Whole Foods, this is what it looked like. My wife had a feeling that this might happen, she started shopping 2 weeks ago. We’re stocked for a while.
My sister-in-law sent me this pic. Her friend was at Whole Foods, this is what it looked like. My wife had a feeling that this might happen, she started shopping 2 weeks ago. We’re stocked for a while.
Menus are one of the the dirtiest things in a restaurant. Wash your hands after ordering. Dont touch your cup after you've touched the menus.
@Handymans342 i dont know anyone but there are several schools around me with children who are self quarantined. My sons school is considering online school for 30 days.
Also, from the time you get it to when it's no longer contagious is about to weeks.
So it's like having the flu or a bad cold.
There's no need to go to a doctor unless you have complications or a compromised immune systems.
Lysol the entire house like you do to keep from spreading a cold. Don't leave the house, dont to go work. You wouldn't go yo work with the flu would you ..or a restaurant....or chruch...or to your kids karate class????
Same stuff you do to keep from spreading a cold or flu to your family and co workers.
Im a parent so i always have a medicine cabinet full of allergy/cold/flu meds as well as other basic medications. I even keep left over muscle relaxers or pain killers from surgeries in case i have to fly. Id rather have a few beers before flying but those are a good morning flight beer alternative. I hate flying.
NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS all postponed. Major shows cancelled. Even Euro 2020 and Summer Olympic cancellations being debated. Stocks down about 30%, Bitcoin down 50%, Gold down 12%, Silver down 20%. Orders being cancelled. Projects being cancelled. Cruises suspended for 2 months. Many airlines cancelling flights. Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Spain all declared states of emergency and only essential business are legally able to stay open (defined as groceries, pharmacies and emergency services). Schools basically in USA and Canada closed for 3 week (2 weeks following spring break).
Can anyone calculate the economic impact of all this? I can tell you, we have NEVER gone through an economic loss like this before ... sure WW1 and WW2 left us in tatters ... and I don't see it being that bad, but they started with not that much. I'm talking $$$ lost, in such a short period of time ... like less than 1 month. Trillions $$??
So ask yourself, why on earth would the governments do this if it's just one big joke?
They are not telling us something ...
Anyhow, watch this video, lots of good info in it.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"