How many want me to close the topic? Click on agree. If I get 10, then I'll close it. I actually learned a bit from the thread though, but I really hate hearing the politics. If politics came up only pier, we'd never ne friends. But I have some great boating family friends on my pier that I know are way the other way than me, but we leave it off the table.
It's been interesting, and mostly civilized. I've refrained from commenting because I figure that the side that agrees with me will agree with me and the side that doesn't, won't, no matter what I present as an argument. But that changed when I had to leave work yesterday when I developed a cough and had a hard time getting deep breaths. Chills, headache, fever. Better today with lot's of Tylenol. Vaxxed with two shots and a booster which I am grateful for as I am susceptible to pneumonia and have been hospitalized for it several times in the past. I am fully convinced that without the vaccine I would be in much worse shape. I will probably not be able to confirm Covid for sure as the cases have surged so dramatically in our area over the last two weeks that a test is not available for several weeks unless critically ill, which I am not. But I'm old enough and have had enough colds/flu's over the years to know that this is not just a run of the mill cold. My adult daughter who lives with us and works in health/long term care has seen the brunt of it, and many nights over the last few weeks has come in the door at night and collapsed on the floor, sobbing in frustration as she sees the death and destruction, 90% among the un-vaxxed. But whatever, it's just a made up flu, right?
@Dream_Inn, I'm not hard over on this. If people can voice their opinions with respect, let's keep talking.
I have many faults, and one is that I get upset when people disrespect the Office of the President. Policy disagreements are fine. Go ahead, criticize the pandemic policies of President Trump or President Biden. But it's the office -- not the person. Let's not descend into name-calling. We can be better than that.
President Reagan wouldn't enter the Oval Office without a jacket and tie. We should aspire to that level of discourse here on the forum.
Willhound, I am so sorry to hear. Please, I hope you and your family well. I do agree with LaRea. I know we can be civilized. I like hearing both sides and we do all have one thing in least one thing.
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 - Title I: Vaccines - Subtitle 1: National Vaccine Program - Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish in the Department of Health and Human Services a National Vaccine Program to: (1) direct vaccine research and development within the Federal Government; (2) ensure the production and procurement of safe and effective vaccines; (3) direct the distribution and use of vaccines; and (4) coordinate governmental and nongovernmental activities. Requires the Director of the Program to report to specified congressional committees.
Establishes the National Vaccine Advisory Committee to recommend: (1) ways to encourage the availability of an adequate supply of vaccines; and (2) research priorities.
Authorizes appropriations for FY 1987 through 1991.
Subtitle 2: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Part A: Program Requirements - Establishes the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as an alternative remedy to judicial action for specified vaccine-related injuries.
Prescribes the contents of any petition for compensation.
Grants U.S. district courts authority to determine eligibility and compensation. Requires the district court in which the petition is filed to designate a special master to serve as an adjunct to the court. Sets forth the responsibilities of the court.
Lists factors to be considered when determining the amount of a compensation award. Sets forth a table of injuries deemed vaccine-related for compensation purposes. Permits the Secretary of Health and Human Services to: (1) promulgate regulations to revise such table; and (2) recommend changes to the vaccines covered by the table.
Provides that compensation awarded under the Program shall be paid out of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. Limits awards for actual and projected pain and suffering and emotional distress to $250,000. Prohibits awards for punitive damages.
Establishes the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines to: (1) advise the Secretary on the implementation of the Program; (2) recommend changes to the Vaccine Injury Table; and (3) recommend research priorities.
Part B: Additional Remedies - Sets forth procedures under which the person who filed a petition for compensation under the program may elect to file a civil action for damages.
Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer's failure to provide direct warnings. Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.
Part C: Assuring a Safer Childhood Vaccination Program in the United States - Requires each health care provider who administers a vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table to record certain information with respect to each such vaccine. Requires each health care provider and vaccine manufacturer to report certain information to the Secretary.
Requires the Secretary to develop certain vaccine information materials for distribution to the legal representatives of any child receiving a vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table.
Directs the Secretary to promote the development of safer childhood vaccines.
Sets forth recordkeeping and reporting requirements for vaccine manufacturers. Imposes civil and criminal penalties for destroying, altering, or concealing any such report or record.
Part General Provisions - Allows any person to commence a civil action against the Secretary where the Secretary allegedly has failed to perform a duty under this Act. Provides for judicial review of the Secretary's regulatory actions in a court of appeals of the United States.
Allows the Secretary to provide licensing for unpatented vaccines for naturally occurring human infectious diseases under certain circumstances.
Requires the Secretary to conduct studies on pertussis, rubella, and radiculoneuritis vaccines and publish the results of such studies.
Directs the Secretary to study the risks to children associated with each vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table and establish guidelines respecting the administration of such vaccines. Directs the Secretary to periodically review and revise such guidelines.
Directs the Secretary to review the warnings, use instructions, and precautionary information presently used by manufacturers of vaccines listed in the Vaccine Injury Table. Directs the Secretary to require manufacturers to revise and reissue any warning, instruction, or information found inadequate.
Grants the Secretary recall authority with respect to any licensed virus, serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, or other licensed product which presents a danger to public health. Establishes civil penalties for recall violations.
Directs the Secretary to make annual reports to specified congressional committees on the impact this Act has on the supply of vaccines.
Title II: Miscellaneous - Provides that certain Federal provisions designed to reduce paperwork shall not apply to information required to carry out this Act.
I used to think social media was going to be the downfall of our society until I watched a documentary the other day. Seems that historically speaking, politics ultimately is the culprit in taking down societies. Social media is just helping us to get to the finish line faster.
My opinion only, but we are all bombarded daily with this nonsense and this site is a welcome reprieve. I'm with you on this one Dream!
I got my 2nd shot on 11/10 (Pfizer) after being 'forced' to get it or my career would be ended permanently. Haven't felt 100% since then. Have had a sore throat, cough and runny nose and every few days a headache. Been 7 weeks now. I had COVID back in April and it was a walk in the park compared to this. Probably have had COVID again in that 7 weeks but who knows. Hasn't been 1 day since 11/10 that I felt 100% so really no way to know.
Unfortunately, I know more people with severe side effects from the vaccines such as permanent paralysis and new heart conditions than people who have a legit case of the Wuflu.
All I know is that the hospitals in Mass are full with mostly people who are not vaxed. I have 3 family members that are in the medical field and they say vax is absolutely the way to go. I just had a friend lose her daughter. 39 years old and was healty but unvaxed. Most people who have had the vaccine and get sick is very mild. I work in public transportation and I know the bus drivers want all their riders to be vaxed.
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
I didn't flag any posts. But when people start using the insults "orange man" instead of "President Trump" and "Brandon" instead of "President Biden," it means civil discourse has ended.
Hey, we always have a choice to click the button....BUT if it is closed which I "voted on" also and retract- these are good discussions as long as we can discuss without calling people names and putting others down for their thoughts. Whether you want to get vaccinated or not, the one thing I tell my friends is go ask your doctor, go as someone who's opinion you respect- but do not ask google as you can find any thoughts to go along with any wild dreams you may have and seldom based on facts. Ask your doctor and do what is best for you but all of us that get the shot or don't, the action either way will have an affect. I hope we get back to a place we can disagree without stomping off because I don't agree with your opinion, something that has sure been lost and a big concern going into a new year.
My Dr mentioned it but didn't push it at all. Almost felt like he only mentioned it because it was his 'duty'. The nurse that took my blood pressure before he came in said there was no way she was getting it cause she had seen all the kidney issues that had came in shortly after getting the vax (pretty sure she said kidney but could have been a different organ)
Friend just flew from NY to FL.. he said there were so many covid coughs on the plane that he couldn't believe it. He already had the first version and the latest... The only other thing I've seen that isn't great is that they don't think Omi gives much protection from delta and that Delta is co-existing a bit.. which may be why people are still dying from corona.. I unfortunately brought it home and now everyone is coughing. On the positive side of things (ha!) it does appear to be Omi, was a quick day of sore throat and coughing for me and back to normal. Hoping it doesn't bring down mom/dad/brothers/sisters.. that would be awful. Crossing fingers here.
Have a listen to Dr. Peter McCullough on Joe Rogan's podcast from a couple weeks ago. And before you write that statement off, because you don't care for Rogan. That Doctor is the #1 most published author. He has TONS of highly acclaimed books. The podcast is chocked full of eye opening facts about Covid. A few examples, are that Moderna was developing their vaccine BEFORE Covid was even known about. I'm talking middle of 2019. Another medical proven FACT, is there are zero.....yes zero cases of anyone proven to have been infected with Covid more than one time. He says that 97% of the PCR tests are false positives. The CDC also released info last week, stating massive skewed results on PCR tests. There is SO much more than meets the eye on this. One thing I know for dam sure.....I do NOT trust the government. Period.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
But that changed when I had to leave work yesterday when I developed a cough and had a hard time getting deep breaths. Chills, headache, fever. Better today with lot's of Tylenol. Vaxxed with two shots and a booster which I am grateful for as I am susceptible to pneumonia and have been hospitalized for it several times in the past. I am fully convinced that without the vaccine I would be in much worse shape. I will probably not be able to confirm Covid for sure as the cases have surged so dramatically in our area over the last two weeks that a test is not available for several weeks unless critically ill, which I am not. But I'm old enough and have had enough colds/flu's over the years to know that this is not just a run of the mill cold.
My adult daughter who lives with us and works in health/long term care has seen the brunt of it, and many nights over the last few weeks has come in the door at night and collapsed on the floor, sobbing in frustration as she sees the death and destruction, 90% among the un-vaxxed.
But whatever, it's just a made up flu, right?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I have many faults, and one is that I get upset when people disrespect the Office of the President. Policy disagreements are fine. Go ahead, criticize the pandemic policies of President Trump or President Biden. But it's the office -- not the person. Let's not descend into name-calling. We can be better than that.
President Reagan wouldn't enter the Oval Office without a jacket and tie. We should aspire to that level of discourse here on the forum.
I do agree with LaRea. I know we can be civilized. I like hearing both sides and we do all have one thing in least one thing.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Summary: H.R.5546 — 99th Congress (1985-1986)All Information (Except Text)
Shown Here:
(Measure passed House, amended)Passed House amended (10/14/1986)
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 - Title I: Vaccines - Subtitle 1: National Vaccine Program - Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish in the Department of Health and Human Services a National Vaccine Program to: (1) direct vaccine research and development within the Federal Government; (2) ensure the production and procurement of safe and effective vaccines; (3) direct the distribution and use of vaccines; and (4) coordinate governmental and nongovernmental activities. Requires the Director of the Program to report to specified congressional committees.
Establishes the National Vaccine Advisory Committee to recommend: (1) ways to encourage the availability of an adequate supply of vaccines; and (2) research priorities.
Authorizes appropriations for FY 1987 through 1991.
Subtitle 2: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Part A: Program Requirements - Establishes the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as an alternative remedy to judicial action for specified vaccine-related injuries.
Prescribes the contents of any petition for compensation.
Grants U.S. district courts authority to determine eligibility and compensation. Requires the district court in which the petition is filed to designate a special master to serve as an adjunct to the court. Sets forth the responsibilities of the court.
Lists factors to be considered when determining the amount of a compensation award. Sets forth a table of injuries deemed vaccine-related for compensation purposes. Permits the Secretary of Health and Human Services to: (1) promulgate regulations to revise such table; and (2) recommend changes to the vaccines covered by the table.
Provides that compensation awarded under the Program shall be paid out of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. Limits awards for actual and projected pain and suffering and emotional distress to $250,000. Prohibits awards for punitive damages.
Establishes the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines to: (1) advise the Secretary on the implementation of the Program; (2) recommend changes to the Vaccine Injury Table; and (3) recommend research priorities.
Part B: Additional Remedies - Sets forth procedures under which the person who filed a petition for compensation under the program may elect to file a civil action for damages.
Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer's failure to provide direct warnings. Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.
Part C: Assuring a Safer Childhood Vaccination Program in the United States - Requires each health care provider who administers a vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table to record certain information with respect to each such vaccine. Requires each health care provider and vaccine manufacturer to report certain information to the Secretary.
Requires the Secretary to develop certain vaccine information materials for distribution to the legal representatives of any child receiving a vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table.
Directs the Secretary to promote the development of safer childhood vaccines.
Sets forth recordkeeping and reporting requirements for vaccine manufacturers. Imposes civil and criminal penalties for destroying, altering, or concealing any such report or record.
General Provisions - Allows any person to commence a civil action against the Secretary where the Secretary allegedly has failed to perform a duty under this Act. Provides for judicial review of the Secretary's regulatory actions in a court of appeals of the United States.
Allows the Secretary to provide licensing for unpatented vaccines for naturally occurring human infectious diseases under certain circumstances.
Requires the Secretary to conduct studies on pertussis, rubella, and radiculoneuritis vaccines and publish the results of such studies.
Directs the Secretary to study the risks to children associated with each vaccine listed in the Vaccine Injury Table and establish guidelines respecting the administration of such vaccines. Directs the Secretary to periodically review and revise such guidelines.
Directs the Secretary to review the warnings, use instructions, and precautionary information presently used by manufacturers of vaccines listed in the Vaccine Injury Table. Directs the Secretary to require manufacturers to revise and reissue any warning, instruction, or information found inadequate.
Grants the Secretary recall authority with respect to any licensed virus, serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, or other licensed product which presents a danger to public health. Establishes civil penalties for recall violations.
Directs the Secretary to make annual reports to specified congressional committees on the impact this Act has on the supply of vaccines.
Title II: Miscellaneous - Provides that certain Federal provisions designed to reduce paperwork shall not apply to information required to carry out this Act.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
My opinion only, but we are all bombarded daily with this nonsense and this site is a welcome reprieve. I'm with you on this one Dream!
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
What is Flurona? Israel records first case of flu and Covid together
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Seriously, we are starting to get ridiculous now in the assumptions, I hear, we think, they say…. And BTW, death rates are actually down.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
The podcast is chocked full of eye opening facts about Covid. A few examples, are that Moderna was developing their vaccine BEFORE Covid was even known about. I'm talking middle of 2019. Another medical proven FACT, is there are zero.....yes zero cases of anyone proven to have been infected with Covid more than one time. He says that 97% of the PCR tests are false positives. The CDC also released info last week, stating massive skewed results on PCR tests.
There is SO much more than meets the eye on this. One thing I know for dam sure.....I do NOT trust the government. Period.